Bon Lin Elementary expands field trip options

Six third-grade classes at Bon Lin Elementary participated in a “virtual field trip” on Nov. 24 to the South Florida Museum. Without even leaving school grounds, they were able to interact with a museum representative, watch a manatee being fed by hand and get their individual questions answered about endangered animals.

Students sent questions in advance to the museum, which customized the presentation. Using an online Skype session to share audio and video on the big screen in the school’s cafeteria, the children were absorbed in the museum representative’s discussion of the habitat, characteristics, eating habits, and personalities of the manatees under the museum’s care.

Teachers said the students really enjoyed seeing Snooty the manatee poke his head out of the water to eat a bundle of lettuce from his caregiver.

The students also made a contribution to the operation of the museum by raising $488, enough money to feed Snooty for one week.

Student comments included, “It was really cool getting to call Snooty! We learned a lot of information about manatees. I had no idea that manatees were related to elephants!”

It was Bon Lin’s first virtual excursion. Teachers of the participating classrooms were Amanda Bomprezzi, Dawn Mefford, Jana Whitt, Teresa Kimberlin, Tracie Hill, Tracie Tilley and Sara Metheny.

For details on the museum, see