BLE Bruins Benevolence Club continues charity work during summer

The Bon Lin Elementary School Bruins Benevolence Club (BBB) has as its motto, “Compassionate Children Caring for the Community.” Courtesy photos.
Bartlett Police Officers were among the recipients of goodies from the Bon Lin Elementary School Bruins Benevolence Club.

The Bon Lin Elementary School Bruins Benevolence Club (BBB) had a successful 2017-18 year and even extended its charitable work through this summer.

They started last school year by decorating and filling two baby cribs, one with boy items and one with girl items. The items were for the Remembering Ryan nonprofit organization that supports babies born with opioid addictions. Teachers and staff from Bon Lin Elementary donated most items, and some club members also chipped in.

Their work continued as they donated 24 school backpacks to the Raines Road Church of Christ Children’s Outreach. They were featured on Channel 5 News for packing and delivering backpacks filled with food, water, clothing and blankets to Calvary Rescue Mission, which supports homeless men. Jaiden, Jareh and Janae McGhee (and their mom) helped with that delivery.

In other works, they also helped to box more than 1,700 cans for Kids Kan.

Because their work continues year-round, student Artie Russell, his mother and club founder Nelzy Gibson made another charitable run at the end of July to delivery goodie baskets to the Bartlett Police Department, all five local fire stations and St. Francis Hospital Bartlett’s intensive care waiting room.

Gibson said she has special thanks for her four committee members: Teachers Na’tasha Clark and Laura Shores and parent representatives Mimi Russell and Amanda Gosser Novak.

This summer the Bon Lin Elementary Bruins Benelevolence Club (BBB) donated goodies to some public service offices in Bartlett, including the fire department. From left are Kaleb Moretta, paramedic; club founder Nelzy Gibson; BBB member Artie Russell; Michael Garries, paramedic; and Tim Delappe, firefighter.