Bartlett City Schools (BCS) board met on June 23 and approved the following consent agenda items and new board action items. Those included:
- The 2016-17 applications for funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Elementary and Secondary Education Act
- Three contracts for special education services (Brunswick Day School, King’s Daughters and Sons, and Memphis Oral School for the Deaf)
- The district’s Differentiated Pay Plan for 2016-17
- The Bartlett High School Master Plan Contract
- Student insurance for 2016-2017
- The Apple Memorandum of Understanding
- Resolutions to amend the 2015-2016 General Fund Budget and Education Capital Fund Budget
- The Porter-Leath Agreement
- The Electro Mech Contract
The board also had the first reading of a policy about school volunteers and another policy on sports-related concussions and sudden cardiac arrest.
The board had the second reading of revisions to the policy governing the district’s grading system. This policy will ensure a plan is in place if TN-Ready has another serious delay as it did this year.
Revisions to the policy change how second-semester grades are determined (by counting the two quarter grades as 70 percent, the end-of-course (EOC) exam as 15 percent, and the semester exam or comparable evaluation as 15 percent). If the district doesn’t receive EOC exam scores at least five instructional days before the end of the school year, the policy further provides that second-semester grades for Bartlett students shall be determined by counting the two quarter grades as 80 percent and the semester exam or comparable evaluation as 20 percent.