BCS to replace shared services agreements

(Editor’s note: Click photos to enlarge and read captions.)

The Bartlett school board decided at the Jan. 26 meeting to terminate shared service agreements with other municipal school districts as of the end of June. The move is in preparation for adopting new agreements that should better meet the district’s needs.

Superintendent David Stephens explained that the new municipal school districts joined forces in interlocal agreements (ILAs) when the school districts began. Now that districts have a better handle on what their individual needs are, it’s time to put aside the old agreements and look at forming new ones, where needed. He also said future ILAs for Bartlett will be one-year agreements.

Stephens said all the districts will be doing this, and some, such as Germantown, are likely to remain out of most of the ILAs.

The school board also honored three Bartlett High School athletic groups:

  • The Bartlett Boys’ Cross-Country Team, Region 7 Champions, with coach Bill Garner, who was the Commercial Appeal’s “Best of the Preps” Cross-Country Boys Coach of the Year. They also had the Region 7 Individual Champion and placed fifth in the state, the highest of any Memphis-area team since 2011. The team also had all seven runners selected for the “Best of the Prep” All-Metro team. Stephens praised the team for going to state, beating Arlington for the first time in five years and beating Houston High School for the first time in school history.
  • The Bartlett Girls Cross-Country Team with coach Laura Houston. They were recognized for their perseverance, dedication to BHS and to cross-country. They proved to be a team worth noting, placing 17th in the state competition in November. Chrissy Jensen broke her school record again this season. She and Carly Garrett were both named to the All-Metro team.
  • Toby Wilson of the Bartlett Golf Team, who qualified for state in his senior year. He won the regional tournament with a score of 67 at Pickwick and the Dragon Invitational with a low score of 66. In individual matches, he shot a 32 at Memphis National and a 33 at Mirimichi. He led the Panthers to a 37-13 record and is a three-time state qualifier. He helped the Panthers to a fifth-place finish at state in his sophomore season, and he won the National Drive, Chip, and Putt Competition for his age group at Augusta National in 2015.

About all three groups who were honored at the meeting, Stephens said, “Great group of kids. I’ve been following along with what they’ve been doing all year.”

Among other business items, the board:

  • Urged citizens to speak to their legislators to oppose the appointment of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education.
  • Renewed the second-semester contract for Youth Villages Professional Development Coach for Neglected & Dependent Programs.
  • Amended the general fund budget.
  • Approved the BCS Budget Development Calendar, which includes internal deadlines so that a 2017-18 budget is available to review at the April 20 work session and approve at the April 27 board meeting. The completed budget must be submitted to the City of Bartlett no later than May 2.
  • Approved a memorandum of understanding with Shelby County Schools. The MOU is for equitable services for private school students. Because 10 BCS students are attending private schools within the SCS attendance zone, Title I funds must flow to these schools for tutoring students in those schools. This MOU accomplishes this requirement of the federal law known as the Elementary & Secondary Education Act.
  • Accepted the vendor recommendation for the Altruria Elementary School re-roofing.  B Four Plied Inc. was awarded the re-roofing project at a cost of $799,973.