Billows of smoke obscure the battlefield when Bankhead’s Battery, the 1st Tennessee Battery, and Pillow’s Battery –
representing the Union Artillery Line – fire during the battle. Photo by Amanda Swain. (To enlarge image, pause slide show, right-click photo and open image in a new tab.)
Captain Weaver and Corporal Price of Huggin’s Confederate Battery relax at camp. Photo by Amanda Swain. (To enlarge image, pause slide show, right-click photo and open image in a new tab.)
The crew of Pillow’s Battery as a Zouave Union artillery unit discuss battle strategy and wish they had some food on the table. Photo by Amanda Swain. (To enlarge image, pause slide show, right-click photo and open image in a new tab.)
The Rebs and Yanks brought their historic warfare into the modern era for two days last weekend to reenact the 1864 battles in Bartlett on Nov. 5-6. The two sides clashed at W.J. Freeman Park (2629 Bartlett Blvd.) during each day and enjoyed a Grand Civil War Ball Saturday night. The weekend included night cannon fire. Bartlett students in grades 5, 8 and 11 also enjoyed a Civil War School Day at the park the day before the reenactments started. Search for the “Battle of Bartlett Association” on Facebook for more information.