At the March 12 meeting, Bartlett’s city board approved making amendments to the city ordinance on beer sales. It was the first reading of Ordinance 19-01, and the public hearing will be April 9.
Changes to the beer ordinance are necessary if the city wants to accommodate one establishment’s unique need. A Bartlett business that sells ice cream and frozen desserts would like to start selling menu items that include alcohol. The amount of alcohol is low enough that it wouldn’t be governed by the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
The amendments will expand the definition of “alcoholic beverage” to include such items, give jurisdiction over such products to the city’s Beer Board and expand penalties for selling this type of product to anyone under the age of 21.
The board also heard an update on the project that remedied severe erosion issues behind Brimhall foods with $515,690 in funding from a HUD grant that was passed down to the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development. Shelby County didn’t use all of the grand funds, and Bartlett successfully applied for that amount to make erosion improvements for a stretch of just over 200 feet. The project has been successfully completed.
In other business, the board:
- Approved a special event permit for the Bartlett Police Association 5K Virtual Run. It will be 7 a.m.-noon May 11 at the Bartlett Police Department.
- Accepted the lowest bid for a 2019 Chevy Tahoe to be used as a new K-9 vehicle for the BPD. The bid went to Chuck Hutton Chevrolet for $33,565.
- Approved a contract for architectural services to be used in Americans with Disabilities Act upgrades to Municipal Park restrooms. The contract went to Ross Witt PLLC, and the cost will not exceed $38,300.
- Accepted the best proposal for a citywide fuel management system. Spatco was chosen.
- Accepted a donation of approximately 4.7 acres of property for future city use. The property is east of Germantown Road and south of Westbrook Road, labeled as Parcel ID B0149 00147. The donation is from the Steinberg family trust.
- Approved a resolution to donate a BPD Dodge Charger to the Bartlett City Schools Board of Education.