Many Bartlett students will bring home gleaming new MacBook Air laptops this week and next.
The Bartlett City Schools district is rolling out its 1:1 Initiative, providing new school laptops for students in grades 6-9 and 10th graders in the Honors Academy.
It will take into next week to complete the distribution at the three middle schools, the Bartlett 9th Grade Academy and those Honors Academy students at the high school.
Dr. Lee-Ann Kight, teaching and learning director explained the district’s investment in laptops for students to use during the school year.
“Our No. 1 priority is to enhance and support instruction,” she said.
The laptops give access to a wide variety of online curriculum and they also help teachers get teens and pre-teens more engaged.
Most students (more than 90 percent) are taking the laptops home, but families also have the option to leave them at school if they don’t want the responsibility for taking care of an expensive piece of equipment at home.
Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or via email to