Bartlett’s city board and mayor changed who will be on the beer board in the future. Instead of filling the seats themselves, they will now tap citizen volunteers for these unpaid positions.
At their Feb. 24 meeting, the board held a public hearing and the third reading for Ordinance 15-01, which will let all five beer board members be appointed by the mayor and approved by the board.
Members will serve two-year terms and may be reappointed. To achieve staggered terms, the initial appointments will be:
- Two members for one year
- Three members for two years
There were no Beer Board recommendations yet as of March 3.
Other business
In other business, the board approved:
- A special event permit for the St. Ann/St. Vincent De Paul Garage Sale, scheduled for 6 a.m.-1 p.m. March 14, St. Ann Catholic Church.
- Paying the audit fee proposed for the Bartlett City Schools (BCS). Watkins Uiberall LLC will perform the school district’s FY2015 audit for $19,000. The city will pay the fee and be reimbursed by the BCS board.
- Buying a mobile tag reader for the Bartlett Police Department from 3M for $17,735.
- Buying two police motorcycles from Performance Plus for $24,650.22 each.
- Accepting the lowest bid for an automated side loader refuse truck for Public Works. Sansom Equipment bid $232,574.
- Accepting the lowest bid for restroom renovations at W.J. Freeman Park. Victorhall Construction LLC bid $222,000 plus a contingency amount of $11,000 for a total cost of $233,000.
- The treasurer’s report for January 2015.