Bartlett regulates short-term housing rentals

Bartlett’s mayor and city board are making changes to the city’s zoning ordinance, affecting people who rent out all or part of their homes to guests via Airbnb or other vacation/short-term arrangements.

The board had the second reading of the amended ordinance at the June 26 board meeting. The third and final reading and the public hearing will be on July 10.

The ordinance modifies the definition of “dwelling unit,” adds definitions for “short-term rental unit” and “transient guest,” identifies zoning districts in which short-term rentals are permitted and adds a new Section 30, establishing regulations for short-term rentals.

The ordinance states that it is designed to provide guidelines for safe and reasonable operation of short-term rentals and to protect the quality of life and investments of citizens from transient occupancy in residential zones. It imposes minimum safety requirements and provides for the collection of applicable taxes, including the occupancy privilege tax.

In other business, the board:

  • Approved the highest-rated proposal for citywide pest control services from Nu Era Pest Control, beginning July 1.
  • Approved the proposal from UniFirst for yearly Public Works uniform service.
  • Accepted the lowest bid from Herbi Systems for the city’s annual lawn treatment services. The bid totaled $18,860.23.
  • Accepted the lower bid from Gibson Paving for paving several park walking trails. The total cost will be $300,580. The work includes asphalt paving of eight-foot-wide paths of 1,100 feet at Byrd Park; 4,800 feet at Kirby Lake; 3,300 feet at Yale Road Park (plus 300 feet by 11 feet around the play area); 300 feet across the dam at Davies Park; 4,600 feet around the perimeter of the recreation center, school and ballfields at Appling Park East (plus about 700 feet by six feet on the south side of the ballfields); 3,300 feet around the perimeter of Appling Lake at Appling Park West; and 300 feet at Greenleaf Cove Trail.
  • Accepted the lowest bid from Sunbelt Fire for one fire pumper truck at a cost of $524,297.
  • Accepted the lowest bids from the following contractors for annual transportation projects: Citywide asphalt pavement, by Lehman-Roberts; and asphalt picked up at plant, by Standard Construction and Lehman-Roberts.
  • Accepted the lowest bid for water treatment plant chemicals: Carus at $0.85/
    lb. for sodium hexametaphosphate, Ideal at $0.628/lb. for sodium fluorosilicate and DPC at $0.383/lb. for chlorine.
  • Approved a survey and design proposal from Carlson Consulting Engineers Inc. to widen the west side of Appling Road from Brother to Southern Way. The bid was for $68,000 plus a contingency amount of $10,000. This work is in conjunction with the new Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) Facility.
  • Passed a resolution that authorizes issuance and payment of interest-bearing general obligation capital outlay notes, Series 2018. The amount is not to exceed $1,355,000.
  • Passed a resolution approving the contract award for Fletcher Creek bank stabilization, Phase 2. The lowest and most responsive bidder was Enscor LLC of Arlington in the amount of $296,771.80 plus a contingency amount of $40,000.
  • Had the first reading of an ordinance to rezone from RS-10 to OR-1 some property on the north side of Yale Road at U.S. 70. The public hearing will be July 24.
  • Accepted the treasurer’s report for May 2018.
  • Accepted the Planning Commission’s report for June 2018.