The Bartlett Police Department handled the following incidents for Nov. 28-Dec. 4. This listing includes the most notable incidents for the reporting period and does not necessarily reflect all police activity.
Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.
Nov. 28
U.S. 64 (auto burglary)
Someone broke into the food truck at Mojo’s Cafe, as reported on Nov. 28. The last time the truck was seen in good condition was around 2 p.m. Nov. 27. The driver’s side window was discovered broken and the door unlocked around 2 p.m. the next day. There was nothing missing from the vehicle. The estimated damage was $100.
Bailey Drive (theft from motor vehicle)
A resident on Bailey Drive said on Nov. 28 that someone stole his vehicle’s license plate from his vehicle in his driveway. The theft happened between 8:30 p.m. Nov. 22 and 9:30 a.m. Nov. 23.
Nov. 29
Kirby Whitten Road (theft from motor vehicle)
Someone rummaged in the vehicle of a Backyard Burger employee and stole cash and keys to the business, as reported on Nov. 29. The victim said she arrived at the restaurant (2931 Kirby Whitten Road) around 3 p.m. and left the vehicle unlocked, with $25 in cash and change in the cup holder along with her keys to the business.
When she went back to the car around 7:30 p.m. to get the keys, she discovered the car had been ransacked and the money and keys were gone. A pair of black-and-white Nike sandals left in the back seat didn’t belong to her and she believes they might belong to the suspect.
Peyton Randolph Street (theft in progress)
Officers responded to a call about a theft in progress about two black males, possibly in their teens, stealing packages from a doorstep around 4 p.m. Nov. 29. Officers weren’t able to locate them in the area.
A witness saw the two standing on a neighbor’s front doorstep, ringing the doorbell and then grabbing a package and fleeing. Another neighbor said his young siblings also saw the suspects take the package and then he saw the two running west toward Old Brownsville Road. One wore a red hoodie and black jeans, and the other wore a gray hoodie and possibly black jeans.
Bartlett Boulevard (theft from motor vehicle)
Someone broke into an SUV at W.J. Freeman Park (2629 Bartlett Blvd.) around midday Nov. 29 to nab a purse left on the front driver’s side floorboard. The purse contained two credit cards.
Nov. 30
Sycamore View (suspicious circumstances)
On Nov. 30, a woman reported damage to one of her home’s iron storm doors and named her son-in-law as a suspect. She left the house around 2:30 p.m. on Nov. 29 and returned around 6:30 p.m., so she didn’t notice the damage until about 7 a.m. the next morning.
The intrusion attempt didn’t allow entry to the home, and she estimated damages at $500.
Dec. 2
Magnolia Woods (burglary)
On Dec. 2, a woman arrived at her fiancé’s home to find the side door open, and she discovered that a TV (48-inch Insignia) and a Dell laptop had been stolen.
The responding officer noticed that a window appeared to have been knocked out of the side entrance door to gain entry. The residence looked ransacked with items thrown on the floor and drawers opened and rummaged through. A small white safe in the master bedroom was also opened and had been ransacked.
Dec. 4
Memphis Arlington Road (vandalism)
A man reported on Dec. 4 that he heard a loud bang outside around 2:30 a.m. and came outside to find his front glass door broken ($500).
The responding officers didn’t see any items nearby that could have been used to break it and believe it might have been done with a BB gun or pellet gun.