Bartlett Police reports for March 17-23, 2014

Busted in Bartlett
A total of 98 arrests were reported over this week. This total includes misdemeanors and traffic arrests. All arrestees are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrests are public information. (Click photo to enlarge.)

Bartlett Police Department reported the following activities for the week of March 17-23:

March 17

Pinnacle Point: Responded to Pinnacle Point on March 17 regarding a reported vehicle burglary. The complainant said someone entered his vehicle parked in front of his house between 11 p.m. on March 16 and 6:45 a.m. on March 17. He said he believed he locked the doors, but the officer saw no signs of forced entry. An air compressor, a pair of Nike shoes and and clothing were taken.

Blackwell: Responded on March 17 to Blackwell regarding a complaint of trailer theft. The victim said someone stole his 16×6 Black Custom Built Brand trailer out of his front yard between 8 a.m. on March 17 and 4:45 p.m. on March 17. The victim said the trailer was parked on the yard’s west side and had a lock on the trailer’s tongue. The trailer has a wooden floor and a metal gate on the back.

Stonetrace Drive: Responded on March 17 to a non-residential burglary on March 17. The complainant  said he had noticed around 4 p.m. that the lock had been cut off his shed door. Items missing included his Echo weed eater, Echo edger, Echo blower, Porter cable nail gun, Porter cable brad nailer, and 4″ grinder.

Willow Break: Responded on March 17 to a non-residential burglary at Willow Break. A neighbor advised the complainant to check his shed. The complainant discovered that his Echo brand weed eater and Echo brand edger were missing.

March 18

Sugar Tree: Responded on March 18 to Sugar Tree regarding an auto burglary complaint. The victim said someone entered his unsecured vehicle, which was parked on the street in front of the home. Items stolen included a pair of black Shure headphones with case, a white iPod charger cord, a black Monster charger cord and a green Starbucks apron with “John” stitched on the front of it.

March 19

Venson: Responded on March 19 to Venson regarding an auto burglary complaint. The victim said someone entered her unsecured vehicle while it was parked in front of the home. Items stolen included a pair of dark Joan Collins prescription sunglasses, a set of work keys, a Shelby County Employment Identification and a black/red umbrella.

Boysenberry: Responded on March 19 to Boysenberry regarding a reported theft from a motor vehicle. The victim said he was leaving for work around 3 a.m. when he saw a box of tissues that had been inside his Chevy Colorado lying on the street next to his truck, which was parked on the street in front of his home. Items stolen include Remington coveralls, a backpack, two Sheffield knives, two tape measures, a Schaefer battery charger and a pair of prescription glasses. The victim said he had been outside earlier to smoke a cigarette and did not notice anything suspicious then. He also said he believes he left the truck unlocked, and the officer did not observe any signs of forced entry.

March 20

Thigpen Cove: Responded on March 20 to reported auto burglary on Thigpen Cove. The victim said he left his truck unlocked the previous day, and someone stole a trailer brake assist.

Venus: Responded on March 20 to Venus regarding a reported theft from a motor vehicle. The victim said someone entered her unlocked vehicle that was parked in front ofthe home and stole two wireless headsets and about 50 DVDs.

Vallendar Cove: Officers were dispatched to Vallendar Cove around 8:55 p.m. on March 20 regarding a reported robbery. The victim’s wife said she heard her husband screaming at the front door of their home. He had a large gash on his forehead and blood on his face, and he said he had just been robbed.

The officer made contact with the victim at the intersection of LaurelValley and Quail Landing and noticed a large laceration on the man’s forehead with significant bleeding. The victim said he was returning from a photography event and had parked his vehicle in the driveway. While he was at the front door searching for his key, he realized someone was approaching from behind. He turned and saw an unknown male suspect about 6 feet tall, 175 pounds, with a muscular build. The victim was struck with an unknown heavy blunt object, nearly lost consciousness and fell to the ground. As the victim lay there, the suspect grabbed the man’s wallet from his back pocket and ran away.

The victim’s credit card was used at a Memphis location and online. The matter remains under investigation.