The Bartlett Police Department (BPD) handled the following incidents from June 20 through July 5. This listing includes the most notable incidents for the reporting period and does not necessarily reflect all police activity.
Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.
June 20
Whitten Road (multiple violations)
Someone driving after dark without headlights on drew an officer’s attention on June 20. The vehicle was headed east on U.S. 70 just before 1 a.m.
In the traffic stop, the suspect provided only a state ID; he didn’t have a valid driver’s license. A check of the vehicle’s tag revealed it was listed as stolen out of Memphis. The officer couldn’t reach the vehicle’s owner and had the vehicle towed.
The suspect went to Juvenile Court on charges of Theft between $1,000 and $10,000, a curfew violation, failure to have a valid driver’s license, and violation of the light law.
3rd Road (theft)
A man who received a new holster for Father’s Day realized his handgun was missing around 8 p.m. on June 19.
Items taken from his Cadillac’s glove compartment included a .40-caliber M&P Shield handgun, a cloth Uncle Mike holster ($25) and two magazines of six and seven rounds. He believes the firearm was stolen from his car while it was parked at his residence at 3rd Road.
June 21
Stage Road (aggravated assault)
Road rage led to a suspect brandishing a gun in Bartlett around 5:50 p.m. June 21. Officers responded to the victim in a parking lot on the 5600 block of Stage Road.
The man said he was driving his work van weston Stage Road in the middle lane near McDonald’s restaurant at 5:40 p.m. A black GMC Sierra with a white duck head sticker on the rear window swerved in front of him from the outer lane to the inner lane, requiring the victim to slam on his brakes to avoid an accident.
When the victim honked his van’s horn, the other driver stopped and rolled his window down. So the victim yelled out to the Sierra driver. The Sierra driver yelled back, displayed a black handgun and pointed it toward the victim in a threatening manner.
June 22
Deermont Drive (auto burglary)
A woman reported June 22 that someone smashed the rear window of her 2012 Kia Sorrento while it was parked at Deermont Park (6675 Deermont Drive). The suspect stole her purse.
She said it happened between 8 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. that night.
June 23
Dana Cheryl Lane (vandalism)
Alfredo cheese sauce was the weapon of choice for a vandal on Dana Cheryl Lane June 23.
The victim said someone threw a Kroger jar of the sauce through his front window and into his office between 10 p.m. June 22 and 7 a.m. June 23.
June 24
Northampton Drive (theft from motor vehicle)
Someone stole a blower from a man’s truck while he was doing yard work in a Northampton Drive back yard on June 24. The missing item was a Redmax blower ($500).
Just before he went into the back yard, a black male walked up, looked at his equipment and asked questions about his prices to cut yards. The victim was suspicious because the suspect was on his cell phone for the entire conversation before walking back the way he came.
Morningbell Cove (stolen vehicle)
A woman reported June 24 that her ex-boyfriend took her truck without permission about a week earlier. They had recently broke up, and he was there on June 18 to retrieve some personal belongings. She said he took her keys and left with her GMC Sierra around noon while she slept.
She reported that she has tried texting and calling her ex about the truck, but he has continually refused to return it.
June 26
Old Brownsville Road (burglary)
A woman came home around 2 p.m. June 26 and realized the back door had been pried open. The only item missing was a black 10-speed Huffy bicycle ($125).
June 27
Flaherty Place (theft)
A woman reported a theft at the Bartlett Recreation Center when she placed her belongings in an unsecured locker of the Family Locker Room on June 27. Someone took her white iPhone 6 ($600) and $8 in cash from her wallet while she was swimming at the BRC between 4:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.
June 28
Altruria Road (burglary)
Someone swiped a 51-inch TV from the master bedroom of an Altruria Road home on June 28. The victim said it happened between 9 a.m. and 2:40 p.m. The intruder left the bedroom window and front door open.
June 29
Bartlett Boulevard (theft from vehicle)
A woman reported June 29 that she left her vehicle unlocked at W.J. Freeman Park (2629 Bartlett Blvd.) for about an hour the previous day. She realized her wallet was missing when she returned.
The theft happened between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. June 28. The item taken was a hot pink Michael Kors wallet. Her vehicle was parked in front of the tennis courts at the time of the theft.
July 1
Laurelhill Lane (burglary)
A Laurelhill resident lost $1,000 in jewelry to a burglar, as reported on July 1. The victim said someone entered the home on an unknown date and took a gold ring ($600) and a gold bracelet ($400).
July 2
Stage Road (auto burglary)
A woman who left her purse in her 2007 Hummer H3 on July 2 realized too late that it would tempt a burglary.
She flagged down an officer at the First South lot on Stage road to report the missing item. She said she was at the park behind the Bartlett Performing Arts Center (3663 Appling Road) when the burglary happened. The SUV was parked on the lot adjacent to Southern Way.
Someone smashed her rear passenger-side window ($200) and took her red Michael Kors purse ($100), which contained a tan wallet ($100), an Apple iPhone 6 ($700), her driver’s license, First South credit/debit card and cash ($40).
She had left the purse on the floorboard behind the front passenger seat.
Ardie Lane (residential burglary)
Someone sneaked into an Ardie Lane home and stole about $35,000 worth of antique firearms, the victim reported on July 2.
The owner didn’t know when the items were stolen. He said the only people who knew about the firearms were family members. He also said there was no sign of forced entry at any time at his home.
The guns included three antique Winchester 12-gauge shotguns, two antique 30-30 caliber repeating rifles and two antique 12-gauge shotguns of unknown make. All of were heirlooms and dated from approximately 1920. Although they hadn’t been appraised, the owner estimated they were worth about $5,000 each.
July 3
Yale Road (auto burglary)
Two people enjoying Yale Road Park (6241 Yale Road) found that putting a purse in a vehicle’s trunk wasn’t enough to keep it safe on July 3. The man and woman said they placed her purse ($50) in the trunk before walking over to a swing on the other side of the park.
The purse was missing when they returned about 30 minutes later. The responding officer didn’t see any damage or pry marks to the vehicle.
July 5
Summer Oaks Drive (auto burglary)
Someone took a woman’s purse from her unlocked SUV at a Bartlett day care on July 5.
The victim said she parked her 2005 Chevy Equinox at the Learning Tree Day Care Center (2780 Summer Oaks Drive) between 5:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.The item stolen was a black Steve Madden purse ($40), Bank of America debit card, check book and blue Apple iPhone 5C ($150).
Bank of America notified her that someone wrote one of her checks at a Kroger location.