Bartlett Police reports for July 4-10, 2016

A view from inside the Bartlett Police Department on July 8 showed the city’s mayor, several citizens and staff members join in prayer by the flag poles. They prayed for the officers killed in Dallas, for the safety of our officers and for unity. The circle grew and grew as people walked up to join in. Photo courtesy of Bartlett Police Department.
A view from inside the Bartlett Police Department on July 8 showed the city’s mayor, several citizens and staff members join in prayer by the flag poles. They prayed for the officers killed in Dallas, for the safety of our officers and for unity. The circle grew and grew as people walked up to join in. Photo courtesy of Bartlett Police Department.


The Bartlett Police Department is now hiring. Download an application or pick one up at Bartlett City Hall (6400 Stage Road), or apply online at

The Bartlett Police Department (BPD) handled the following incidents during July 4-10. This listing includes the most notable incidents for the reporting period and does not necessarily reflect all police activity.

Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.

July 4

Bartlett View Lane (theft from motor vehicle)

A vehicle owner spotted a suspected thief and held him until police arrived just after 1 a.m. on July 4. The victim said the suspect was walking from vehicle to vehicle in the Bartlett Heights Apartment complex, checking for unlocked doors and putting items in his pocket. When the suspect opened the victim’s own car, the man ran outside, grabbed the suspect and yelled for neighbors to call the police. Two other victims saw the disturbance.

The suspect, a juvenile, said he was bored and decided to walk around the complex, checking vehicles. He admitted taking several items but could not determine which came from which vehicle.

A search of the suspect yielded a silver toy gun lighter ($15), a black USB cord ($10), an iPhone charging cube ($7), a charging cube with cord ($35) and one USB adapter cylinder ($7). The total value of the stolen and recovered items was $74. All of the items were recovered in the suspect’s front, right and left pants pockets.

The officer took the suspect to Juvenile Court at 616 Adams, and his mother was notified.

July 5

Summer Oaks Drive (auto burglary)

A victim reported July 5 that someone burglarized her unlocked 2005 Chevy Equinox while it was parked at the Learning Tree Daycare (2780 Summer Oaks Drive). She said the burglary happened between 5:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on May 26.

Someone took her black Steve Madden purse ($40), a Bank of America debit card and check book, and a blue Apple iPhone 5C ($150 replacement value). Her bank notified her that one check was written for $150 at an unspecified Kroger location.

Successful Lane (burglary)

A woman returned home July 5 and found a broken window in her home’s back door. She flew the house and called police. The responding officer checked for suspects but found no one on the premises.

She said her husband left home at noon and she returned at 3:30 p.m. She noticed a slim black male wearing blue jeans and a white shirt was getting into a tan four-door vehicle leaving a neighbor’s driveway.

Items missing included six PlayStation 4 games ($40 each) and a PlayStation 4 missing ($500). The total value of missing goods was $740, damage to the back door was estimated at $600.

Bartlett Center Drive (automobile burglary)

A woman went into the Bartlett Kinder-Care Day Care Center (6000 Bartlett Center Drive) just after 6 p.m. July 5 to pick up her child. When she returned about five minutes later, her vehicle’s front driver’s side door window was broken and her black Ralph Lauren purse was missing.

July 6

Gingerhill Lane (extortion/blackmail)

A woman fell victim to a costly phone scam about an arrested relative in a foreign country on July 6.

A man who identified himself as Pedro Sanchez, an officer with the Dominican Republic, called her around 1 p.m. to say her grandson had been in a crash and was under arrest in a Dominican jail. She was told to wire $950 through Western Union to set him free.

She spoke with a male who identified himself as David and called her “Grandma.” He said his nose was broken and that’s why he might not sound like himself. He said he would try to pay her back, so she sent the money.

Sanchez called back to advise that her grandson was out of jail but she owed another $750 in lawyers’ fees plus the funds for an airline ticket to send the grandson back to the U.S. The responding officer identified himself to the caller, who said his name was John Brown with the U.S. Embassy. He refused to cooperate any further and ended the call.

Bartlett Boulevard (auto burglary)

A woman who parked in the lot near the walking track of W.J. Freeman Park (2629 Bartlett Blvd.) on July 6 became a crime victim. She parked around 6:30 p.m. and returned around 9:40 p.m. In the interim, someone shattered the rear passenger door’s side window ($350) of her 2012 Acura TXS. The only item missing was her blue-and-white Michael Kors purse ($100), taken from the back seat.

July 7

Barrentine Drive (burglary)

A man noticed around 9 p.m. on July 7 that his 42-inch LG flatscreen TV ($400) was missing from his upstairs bedroom. He last saw it on June 30. He said there have been no signs of forced entry into his home, and no other items seem to be missing.

July 9

Craigmont Drive (stolen vehicle)

A man reported that someone took his unsecured truck from his driveway between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. July 9.

The vehicle is a 2010 Toyota Tacoma. He said he was current on his payments and still has both sets of keys. He called the Toyota dealership and confirmed that they had not ordered a repossession.

July 10

Blackwell Street (motor vehicle theft of a passenger vehicle)

Someone stole a man’s sedan from his driveway between 5 p.m. and 6:25 p.m. July 9. He didn’t recall whether he left the vehicle unlocked, but he said he leaves a spare key in the driver’s side’s sun visor. The vehicle is a silver 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt with four doors.

Bartlett Police broadcast the vehicle’s theft, and Memphis Police Depart-ment reported that it was involved in a hit-and-run accident at 3300 Lynch-burg St., Memphis. The car was towed to the MPD impound lot on Klinke Avenue with a hold for the traffic bureau.