Bartlett Police Reports for Jan. 22-Feb. 4, 2018

bpd-badge-84x117The Bartlett Police Department handled these and other incidents for the period of Jan. 22-Feb. 4.

Editor’s note: This report represents the most notable incidents provided by BPD and does not necessarily reflect all police activity. All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports. Incidents are listed in order of the dates they were reported.

Jan. 22

Stage Road (commercial alarm): Officers responded to a commercial alarm at Sweet Pea’s (4824 Stage Road) at 3:39 a.m. and found a shattered window. They didn’t locate anyone on the property or see signs of other damages or disturbances.

Stony Glen Drive (theft): The first victim said he was a Realtor and someone had stolen his lockbox from the mailbox. The lockbox contained the homeowner’s key and alarm key fob for the home. The second victim believed the suspect entered the home because the door was unlocked, and the Realtor sign that was originally in the front yard was inside the home.

Thornebrook Cove (unauthorized use of a motor vehicle): A woman reported that her boyfriend took her vehicle around 1 a.m. Jan. 21 and won’t tell her where it is. She said he took her car keys and she told him not to take the car, but he said he would be right back so she didn’t call the police.

She said he would not tell her where the car is until he gets his cell phone back from her. When she went to their apartment in Memphis to retrieve her children, she saw her car keys on the table and got them back, but the car is in unknown location.

Ashland Grove (theft from motor vehicle): A man reported noticing that his handgun was missing from his vehicle on Jan. 13. He said he left it unlocked while visiting his sister on Ashland Grove and believes it was taken then.

Jan. 23

Briarfield Cove (fraud): A woman reported that she was on her home computer around 11:30 a.m. on Jan. 17 when her computer screen went green and displaced the notice, “You are being hacked” with instructions to call Microsoft at a certain phone number. She called and gave the person on the line all her banking information to pay him to fix her computer.

She was having problems with her iPhone at the same time, and when she went to the Apple store a technician informed her that the notice on her computer was a scam and she should contact her bank to put a hold on her account.

Leeridge Drive (theft): A woman said a collection of rings from her deceased mother have gone missing from her home. She believes they disappeared after a family meeting sometime last summer as she had not checked on them since then.

Stage Road (theft): A woman realized her iPhone 8 was missing around midnight on Jan. 22 while leaving a private party at Andy B’s (6276 Stage Road). An unknown suspect later began to text her friend from the missing cell phone, asking how much she was willing to give for the phone.

Jan. 24

North Shallow Hill Drive (vandalism): A man said he dozed off on his couch but woke up when something broke the glass on his home’s rear door. He gathered his family and called 911.

He told the responding officers that he didn’t observe any suspects. He believes he may have heard voices outside but said he wasn’t sure because he left the TV on when calling 911. Officers found a silver-dollar-sized hole in the rear glass.

Meggie Lane (shots fired): A male reported that he was sitting in his garage, smoking a cigarette around 2:15 a.m. when he heard a vehicle screech its tires, driving eastbound on his street near his home. When he heard 5-8 gunshots, he shut the garage and ran inside the home upstairs to his brother. The victim was unsure if someone was shooting directly at his home, and he didn’t know anyone who would be a potential suspect.

The brother said he was sleeping and didn’t hear any shots. Officers found no shell casings or physical evidence in the area.

Hunters Glad Drive (burglary): A man reported that someone kicked open the back door of his vacant rental house and stole a Samsung microwave and a Samsung stove sometime between Jan. 16 and Jan. 24. The responding officer saw muddy footprints on the back door and a screen cut off a back window, and the inside door frame was broken from the door being kicked in.

Stage Road (theft): A woman said several items of hers were stolen from an unlocked locker while she was at the ATC Fitness Center (6600 Stage Road) midday on Jan. 24. Her purse was stolen from inside a zippered duffle bag that the thief left in the locker.

Tiffany Oaks Drive (memo): A woman reported that she lost her phone on Dec. 4, and someone then used it to log into her eBay account and charge money to it.

Dawnhill Road (residential burglary): A man found that his 50-inch Sanyo TV was missing when he came hoe around 6:30 p.m. Jan. 24. An out-of-town friend has been staying at the house for the past three weeks, working on some interior remodeling. A set of contractors has also been at the house to replace the roof. The responding officer didn’t see any sign of forced entry to the exterior doors or windows.

Northampton Drive (theft): A man said someone took the specialty LED brake lights off his truck while it was parked in his driveway. He said it happened Jan. 24 between 7:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Jan. 25

Appling Road (theft): An administrator at King’s Daughters & Sons nursing home reported that someone stole about $162 from a patient’s briefcase. It happened between Jan. 21 and Jan. 24. The victim’s son said a Samsung Galaxy cell phone was also missing.

Newstone Drive (theft): A woman reported noticing at noon Dec. 27 that her black leather wallet was missing from her purse. It only contained some identifying documents.

U.S. 70 (theft from building): A woman said someone stole her cell phone, a white iPhone 6 Plus with a blue cover, from the restroom at Dollar General (7889 U.S. 70). She reported that she has called her phone multiple times and it went straight to voicemail, and now the phone has been turned off.

Elmore Park Road (fight/burglary): Dispatch advised officers that a suspect in a gray Jeep Cherokee was following a victim’s vehicle on Mary Elizabeth Road around 10:39 p.m. When officers tried to stop the suspect’s vehicle, the driver fled at a high rate of speed, disregarding the safety of the public. The officers stopped the pursuit for the public’s safety.

Officers then arrived at Elmore Park Road and spoke to the victims. An officer saw that the rear driver’s side door was open on a victim’s vehicle and confirmed with the owner that it had been closed and the suspect must have broken into it on the way into the house.

The suspect had opened the garage window, kicked in the door to enter the home, gone to the victims’ bedroom and struck the door multiple times, knocking two holes in it. He immediately began fighting the victims.

The victims gathered their children and got into their vehicle, trying to meet officers at the post office at more Park and Shadetree. The suspect followed in his vehicle, starting the pursuit as officers followed.

Jan. 26

St. Elmo Road (theft): An employee arrived at the Exxon gas station (7049 St. Elmo Road) around 6 a.m. and noticed that the vehicle he’d left at work three days previously had the rear glass broken and the tires and rims were missing.

Charles Bryan Road (theft): A victim reported around 11:30 a.m. that someone entered his apartment and took $3,000-$5,000 from hidden bank envelopes. He also said a costume jewelry ring was missing.

Woodlawn Street (juvenile summons): A officer sitting in the Bartlett High School gym lobby saw a juvenile who paced in anger, turned to a glass window and punched it, breaking the glass. The officer issued him a juvenile summons and released him to his parents.

Jan. 27

Autumn Hill Drive (theft): Around 7:30 a.m. a man reported opening his blinds and spotting an unknown male trying to open the door of his Chevrolet Blazer. the victim knocked on his window, trying to scare the subject off, and when that didn’t work he set off the alarm on his other car. That made the suspect fled on a black 10-speed bicycle. The suspect wore a black jacket and black hat.

Venson Drive (burglary): A man reported finding his attached shed open and some of his tools missing. He said he last noticed the tools in the shed sometime last week. The shed was unlocked.

Bartlett Boulevard (theft): A woman reported that someone had stolen her black-and-white wallet at Kroger (5995 Bartlett Blvd.) around 9:10 p.m. She left it in the room behind the deli counter, a space that is restricted to employees only, and returned when she realized she had left it. The wallet contained personal documents.

Jan. 28

Newstone Drive (theft): A woman noticed that the license plate was missing from her vehicle. She said it had been parked in front of her home all day.

Ledgewood Lane (stolen license plate): A man said his vehicle’s license plate was stolen out of his driveway between about 11 p.m. Jan. 27 and 3:50 p.m. Jan. 20. There was nothing else missing from the vehicle and it appeared that the suspect didn’t enter the vehicle.

Kate Bond Street (theft from motor vehicle): An unknown witness called the Saint Francis Hospital (2986 Kate Bond St.) to report seeing a male breaking a truck widow around 7:20 p.m. Security patrolled the parking lot and found a white truck parked just east of the helicopter landing pad on the hospital’s south side. The front passenger side window was shattered, and items inside looked ransacked. The vehicle’s owner said items stolen included an AR-15 and a pistol, multiple rounds of ammunition, a gun case and six loaded magazines. The thefts totaled $3,700.

Oak Forrest Drive (possible assault): A victim said someone tried to rob him of his Apple watch while he was walking down Oak Forrest Drive. The suspect, a former friend, pulled up beside him, got out of his vehicle and began beating him. The victim said the suspect punched him, choked him almost to the point of unconsciousness, slammed him into a house and verbally threatened to kill him if he didn’t take the watch off. The suspect fled when a neighbor came out of the house and broke it up.

Jan. 29

Unspecified address (stolen firearm): A woman said someone stole her 9mm pistol from beneath her vehicle’s seat between Jan. 15 and Jan. 29. She said she believes the vehicle was locked. The officer handling the case observed no signs of forced entry.

Laurel Valley (auto burglaries): A victim said someone entered two of his vehicles that were parked unlocked in the driveway overnight. Nothing was missing from the vehicles, but all compartments had been searched.

Meadow Court Drive (theft from motor vehicle): A man said someone rummaged through his unlocked vehicle overnight but took nothing.

Laurel Valley Drive (theft from motor vehicle): A man noticed that his daughter’s vehicle had an interior light on when he was preparing to leave for work around 4:15 a.m. Then he saw that the front driver’s side door was ajar and the middle console and glovebox were open. He checked other vehicles in the driveway and saw that the glove compartment was open in his son’s vehicle. The only items missing were a check stub, a box of school fundraiser candy bars and some cash.

Jan. 30

Memphis Arlington Road (burglary): A man reported that someone had thrown a stone through the rear glass door to the home and gained entry. The responding officer noticed that the only room that had been rummaged was the complainant’s room. The only thing missing was about $7 in change.

Wells Grove Cove (theft): Someone broke the gate on a man’s fence and stole a backpack blower and generator from his back patio. The victim said it happened between 10 p.m. Jan. 29 and 9:30 a.m. Jan. 30.

Wolfchase Farms Parkway (residential burglary): A woman said someone broke into her home but took nothing. She left the house around 6:30 p.m. and returned around 10:30 p.m. The responding officers saw that the master bedroom window from the backyard was smashed, unlocked and opened. There were several items broken and out of place throughout the entire house.

Sleepy Woods Cove (suspicious circumstance): A woman reported that her family’s security system recorded an older man shining a flashlight in their truck and walking under their porch while she and her husband were away. She said nothing appeared to be missing.

Feb. 1

Juneway Drive (residential burglary): A woman reported finding her front door ajar and a window beside the door broken. Someone had pried open and damaged the front storm door and broke the accent window to unlock the front door and gain entry. The victim said nothing appeared to be missing, but several items in her master bedroom looked as if they had been gone through.

Stage Post Drive (theft of trailer): A complainant said someone stole two company trailers from the lot overnight. The trailers were adjacent on the south side of the building, and one had a boot lock on the driver’s side wheel and hub.

Golf View Cove (theft from motor vehicle): A man said someone entered his vehicle overnight and stole a pair of sunglasses and $5 in coins. The vehicle was unlocked and left undamaged.

U.S. 70 (aggravated assault): A man said a male suspect in a black SUV pointed a gun at him as he stood at the bus stop near U.S. 70 and Stage Road. Officers spotted a vehicle matching the description in the area, and the victim positively identified the suspect’s vehicle. After the traffic stop, an investigation revealed that the suspect in the vehicle did point a gun at the victim.

Feb. 2

Quail Meadow Crossing (theft from motor vehicle): A woman said someone broke her vehicle’s front passenger window. Her juvenile son reported around 11:45 p.m. that the car alarm was blasting and he could see broken glass near the car. Items taken included $20 in cash, a $10 gift card and her access key to the apartment complex.

Shelby Street (vehicle theft): A woman reported letting an acquaintance borrow her vehicle for one day, but he got a flat tire. The suspect advised her that the vehicle was gone when he returned to change the flat. She said he told her he was looking for the vehicle, but she’s been unable to contact him via phone recently, and he has deleted her from Facebook Messenger.

Sweet Water Drive (suspicious circumstance): A woman said she was at home and saw a suspicious vehicle pull in front of another home nearby and stop. Two males exited from the driver’s side and passenger side rear doors at the same time and ran to the front of one of the homes on the street. As they approached a window, they realized they were being watched and ran northbound from the home.

U.S. 64 (vehicle theft): A man said he left his vehicle running with the doors unlocked while he went inside the gas station at 8110 U.S. 64 to buy a few groceries. When he emerged a short time later, his vehicle was missing.

Feb. 3

U.S. 64 (fraud): A man reported getting a text message from his bank, saying that someone had bought something with his debit card at Sam’s Club #6260. He still had it in his possession and was watching a movie at on the Pink Palace Museum’s IMAX screen at the time of the fraudulent purchase.

U.S. 70 (theft from building): A woman said she believes someone stole her laptop from her room at Culpepper Place (7480 U.S. 70). She last saw it when she used it around 8 p.m. Feb. 1. She noticed it was missing the next evening around 6 p.m.

Feb. 4

U.S. 64 (armed robbery): A McDonald’s employee (8062 U.S. 64) reported that two males approached him around 4:28 a.m. and demanded that he open the safe and give them his cell phone. He did so, and they told him not to move. Then they ordered another employee out of the employee break room and told her to empty the two cash registers at the front of the store. Both suspects then fled eastbound toward the rear of the business.

Barrentine Road (theft from motor vehicle): A man reported seeing an unknown male in dark clothes going through a neighbor’s vehicle around 5:50 a.m. It wasn’t known at the time of the report if anything was taken.

Elmore Park (vandalism): Someone threw eggs at a man’s house overnight, striking both of his vehicles parked in the carport.

Kirby Whitten Road (auto burglary): An employee at Stevie B’s Pizza Buffet (2990 Kirby Whitten Road) said his manager spotted a person on video inside his vehicle while it was parked in the rear of the business. The manager confronted the suspect, who dropped a plastic Kroger bag containing clothing and the manual to his truck. About $10 in cash was found to be missing.

Billy Maher Road (suspicious circumstance): A complainant said he was in his house when he saw his father’s vehicle, which was parked near the road, shaking it back and forth. He saw a male exit the vehicle and start walking north. The driver’s side door was damaged during the incident and would not close properly. There also was a small thin piece of metal found inside the ignition.