Bartlett Police Reports for Jan. 16-22, 2017

police hat, badge, cuffsThe Bartlett Police Department handled the following incidents for Jan. 16-22. This listing includes the most notable incidents for the reporting period and does not necessarily reflect all police activity.

Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.

Jan. 16

Ferguson Road (theft)

Someone stole the catalytic converters from two vehicles parked outside Mallory Automotive (5800 Ferguson Road) between Jan. 2 and Jan. 16. A representative said the vehicles were a Toyota 4Runner and a Honda CRV.

The time frame coincides with that of two other catalytic converter thefts, and there is currently an arrest warrant out for that suspect.

Jan. 18

Greenleaf Cove (vandalism)

Someone broke a toilet ($500) at the men’s restroom in Ellendale Park (3800 Greenleaf Cove), a city employee reported on Jan. 18.

Stage Hills Boulevard (theft)

On Jan. 18 a woman reported the theft of two license plates from her company’s vehicles. She didn’t know when they had been stolen.

The responding officer noticed a surveillance camera that was pointed toward the western-most driveway, and the video will be reviewed for evidence.

U.S. 64 (motor vehicle theft/truck)

A spokesman for Sunrise Buick GMC at Wolfchase (8500 U.S. 64) reported a truck missing from the lot on Jan. 18. It was a demo 2016 GMC Sierra 1500 double cab ($47,000). It was last seen on the lot on Jan. 1. OnStar was notified but was unable to locate the missing truck.

Jan. 20

Stage Road (theft from motor vehicle)

On Jan. 20 a man reported the theft of $200 from a bank deposit bag he left in the armrest of his 2004 Escalade. He said the money was in his vehicle two days previously when he had his vehicle cleaned at a local car wash. He noticed the amount missing that night.

The on-duty manager at the car wash told the responding officer that he will continue an internal investigation and will contact BPD with any further information.