Bartlett Police Reports for Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2019

The Bartlett Police Report for the period of Oct. 28-Nov. 3, 2019, lists the most notable crimes for that period as reported by the Bartlett Police Department. It does not necessarily reflect all police activity.

All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.

Burglaries & thefts

Appling Road: A spokesman for SAW Textiles (3025 Appling Road) reported that someone had stolen the air conditioning unit (approximately $13,500) for the business. Reported Oct. 28.

Brunswick Road: A spokesman for MLGW (3773 Brunswick Road) said someone stole several times from the rear carport area of the shop. Reported Oct. 29.

Bristol Woods Drive: A man said he heard noise coming from the far east window on the front of his home. He went to the front and opened the curtains to look outside. He spotted an unknown male trying to climb in a window. The suspect, who wore a dark blue or black hoodie, immediately ran west on Old Brownsville Road. Reported Oct. 30.

Unspecified location: A woman reported multiple items stolen from her residence. She said they employ home care workers who come and go from the home, and she believes one of them is responsible for the thefts. Reported Nov. 1.

U.S. 64: A Walmart customer (8400 U.S 64) said she was at the rear of her car, loading items, when a suspect walked by and said, “You park all the way down here?” The woman then looked in her shopping basket and realized that the suspect had stolen her cell phone. Reported Nov. 2.

Vehicle related

U.S. 64: A complainant at Serra Chevrolet (7580 U.S 64) said an unknown person was seen on camera, driving off in a black 2017 Chevrolet Silverado. Camera footage showed an unknown person enter the lot from the east on Oct. 25, walk to the truck, enter it and drive it off the lot. Reported Oct. 29.

Stage Road: An officer was responding to an auto burglary in the parking lot of St. Ann’s Church (6529 Stage Road) and heard a car alarm activate. The officer saw that one vehicle’s driver’s side rear door window had been shattered. The officer located a suspect and transported the suspect to headquarters. Reported Oct. 30.

U.S. 64: A man who parked his work vehicle at Abuelo’s (8274 U.S 64) said he returned to find that his gray suitcase had been stolen. He said he accidentally left the vehicle unlocked. Reported Oct. 31.

U.S. 64: A man said he and his wife went shopping at Siegel Select (7380 U.S.64), and when they returned about an hour later someone had stolen his tools from his truck. Reported Nov. 3.


Unspecified location: A woman said she got a letter from her bank, denying a loan application for her. She said she didn’t apply for a loan but was told that her personal information was used for the application. Reported Nov. 1.

CAROLYN BAHM is the editor of The Bartlett Express. Contact her at or at 901-433-9138.