The Bartlett Police Department reported the following incidents for June 23-30. (Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of more detailed BPD reports.)
June 23
- Curlybark Cove (vandalism): Responded at 2:55 p.m. June 23 to Curlybark Cove regarding a vandalism report. The victim was in his living room around 1:45 p.m. when he heard a loud crack at his back door. When he checked, he saw a small hole in the upper left corner of the window, which had cracked. The responding officer saw a small pellet inside the door frame. The victim has lived in the neighborhood for a while and reported having no problems with neighbors.
June 24
- Virgil Road (aggravated burglary): Responded around 9:01 a.m. June 24 to a home on Virgil Road regarding a report of aggravated burglary. While the victim and her husband were asleep in the early hours of that same day, someone entered their attached garage through the rear garage door and stole a chainsaw, table saw, drill, red tool box containing a tool set, and a dark suitcase. Once in the house, the intruder also stole $50 and a Tennessee Identification Only card from a pink wallet. The matter is under investigation.
June 25
- Appling Road (auto burglary): Responded around 5:25 p.m. June 25 to a business on Appling Road regarding a reported auto burglary. The victim said someone stole an in-dash Pioneer radio and $400 in cash from her unlocked Chevrolet Suburban between 2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. that day. The cash was in a purse placed in plain view on the SUV’s passenger-side floorboard. She said she regularly leaves her purse inside the SUV and the doors unlocked with the keys in the ignition because the SUV’s so close to her workplace.
June 26
- Hunters Meadow Lane (vandalism): Responded around 8:20 a.m. June 26 to Hunters Meadow Lane regarding a reported vandalism. The victim said someone threw an egg onto his garage door sometime between 9:30 p.m. June 25 and 7 a.m. June 26. The responding officer saw egg remains on the door and the ground. The victim said it was the second time someone had vandalized his garage door with eggs.
- Appling Road (theft): Responded around 10:38 a.m. June 26 to the Varsity Shop (3131 Appling Road) regarding a theft complaint. The victim said she tried cranking her car around 3 p.m. the previous day and noticed it was making a terrible sound. She drove it to the dealership, and they told her someone had cut off the catalytic converter ($1,000).
- Halstead Avenue (residential burglary): Responded around 4:42 p.m. June 26 to Halstead Avenue regarding a residential burglary complaint. The victim said someone shattered the glass on a locked front window of the home and stole a Samsung 51-inch plasma flat-screen TV ($600) sometime between 8 a.m. and 4:40 p.m. June 26. The victim said he found his front door open, unlocked from the inside.
June 28
- Stage Road (theft from yard): Responded at 8:38 p.m. June 28 to Stage Road regarding a reported theft from a home’s front yard. The victim said someone stole five white plastic flower baskets ($15 each) from his front yard between 11 p.m. June 26 and 9:30 a.m. June 27. He speculated that a neighbor might be the thief because the households have an ongoing dispute spanning several months, and this was not the first time his baskets had been stolen. (He also described a previous incident: While his neighbor was moving out, someone drove through the victim’s yard, leaving tire tracks.)
June 29
- Vanderschaaf Drive (vandalism): Responded at 2:56 p.m. June 29 to Vanderschaaf Drive regarding a vandalism complaint. The victim said someone smashed her mailbox ($500), probably with a baseball bat, sometime between June 22 and June 29. She said several neighbors also had similar mailbox damage within the past several weeks.
- U.S. 64 (vandalism): Took a complaint at BPD Headquarters around 3:35 p.m. June 29 regarding vehicle vandalism. The victim said she parked her Acura at Walmart (8400 U.S. 64) around 1:45 p.m. that day. An apparently irritated black female driver backed a gray truck into the adjacent parking spot and went in the store. The victim also went shopping and returned around 2:17 p.m. to find several fresh scratches on her car’s driver-side door. She speculated that the woman parked next to her might have intentionally damaged the Acura.