This week’s Bartlett Police Report included an armed robbery at Suntrust Bank, a bomb threat at Walmart, multiple burglaries and thefts, vandalism, fraud and more.
The report for July 22-28 lists the most notable crimes for that period as reported by the Bartlett Police Department. It does not necessarily reflect all police activity. All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.
Armed robbery
Stage Road: An officer responded to a robbery in progress at SunTrust Bank (6633 Stage Road) at 6 p.m. July 26. Witnesses said a suspect came in and yelled, “Everybody get down!” while pointing a handgun at the employees.
He jumped over the counter, demanded money, jumped back and ran out.
The suspect was a black male about 5 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 10 inches tall with a thin build, wearing gray sweats, a yellow work vest, black gloves and a cloth-like material on his face.
Bomb threat
U.S. 64: On July 25, an employee at Walmart (8400 U.S. 64) found a note on a floor scrubber in the rear of the business. The note said there was a bomb on the scrubber that would be activated by pressing the brake. The note also said the person holding the note was “now on the movie ‘Speed 3.’”
The manager evacuated the store, and the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad deployed its bomb disposal robot to examine the scene before deeming it safe.
Burglaries and thefts
Bon Lin Drive: A woman reported a home robbery in whick someone stole items from her home and barn and rummaged through a truck’s glove box. The suspect(s) cut the chain on her gate and pried open the home’s rear door, pried open the door to a barn on the rear of the property and broke the passenger window of the truck. The total estimated loss is $6,915. Reported July 22.
Germantown Parkway: Someone cut the catalytic converters ($2,250) off two transport vans and a truck parked in the back lot of Faith Baptist Church (3755 Germantown Parkway). Reported July 22.
Cohay Avenue: A man reported that someone stole a “Trump” sign ($14) from his yard. Reported July 25.
Tickle Drive: A man reported that someone stole packages off his front porch. Reported July 25.
North Street: A man reported that someone stole his Honda lawnmower from his garage. Reported July 27.
Hollister Cove: A woman reported her vehicle stolen the morning of July 22. Video footage showed someone driving it away around 3:22 a.m. that day.
Brother Boulevard: Someone stole a company truck and two trailers from the loading dock area behind Mini Max (2945 Brother Blvd.). The items were behind a locked fence, and it looked like someone cut the chain on the fence. Reported July 22.
Highway 6: A woman reported around 10 p.m. July 22 that someone broke the passenger window of her vehicle and stole her purse. She was parked at Longhorn Steakhouse (8324 Highway 6).
Quail Meadow Crossing: A man reported that on July 23 someone stole his wallet out of his girlfriend’s unlocked vehicle. Reported July 24.
Stage Hills Boulevard: A woman reported that someone entered her unlocked vehicle and stole items from her purse. Reported July 25.
Heatherhill Drive: A man reported that someone stole numerous small hand tools from the toolbox attached to his truck. Reported July 26.
Diplomat Place: A man reported that someone opened his unlocked truck and stole a Craftsman hand sander and a Milwaukee cordless drill. Reported July 27.
Elba Cove: A man reported that someone stole his handgun from his unlocked vehicle. He said it has a seven-round magazine, neon sights and rubber grips. Reported July 27.
Stage Road: A man reported that four juveniles were walking on the east side of O’Charley’s (6045 Stage Road) when he heard a loud noise. He discovered that someone had hit the rear glass door with a rock. Three of the juveniles ran east on stage, and one headed west. Reported July 22.
Stage Road: A woman reported that someone broke the passenger front door latch on her vehicle while she was parked at Planet Fitness (5740 Stage Road).
Around the same time, officers were called to the area about a suspicious vehicle on the parking lot. Officers were trying to contact the driver of that vehicle when a suspect got in the driver’s side, sped out of the lot and continued down Bartlett Boulevard until crashing at Bartlett Boulevard and Elmore Road. A witness said the suspect got out, racking a semi-automatic pistol and running into a residential area. The suspect was later found and arrested. Reported July 23.
Kirby Whitten Road: A would-be thieft damaged a coin-operated air compressor/vacuum ($250) behind Circle K (2732 Kirby Whitten Road). Reported July 26.
Identity theft, fraud
Unspecified location: A woman reported that someone fraudulently opened a Lane Bryant account in her name in Huntsville, Ala., and charged almost $900 on it that day. Reported July 22.
Unspecified address: A woman reported that she questioned some charges she had seen on her iTunes account over the past few months, so she looked up a phone number to call Apple about getting a refund. The person she called advised her to get a Google gift card and give him the number so he could verify her payment account’s information.
She bought a $100 card and read its information to the suspect. The suspect then said they sent her a $500 refund in error and would cancel the entire transaction, so they needed her to go get a $200 Google gift card to restart the process.
She realized something wasn’t right and decided instead to file a police report.