Bartlett Police Reports for Jan. 7-13, 2019

[Editor’s note: This story published on Jan. 17, 2019, in our print edition but was delayed in being posted online due to technical issues.]

The Bartlett Police Report for Jan. 7-13, 2019, lists the most notable crimes for that period as reported by the Bartlett Police Department; it does not necessarily reflect all police activity. All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.

Violent robbery

An employee at Game Xchange (6836 Stage Road) reported a robbery on Jan. 9. The victim said a male suspect came into the store, saying he wanted to buy a cell phone. The victim selected a gold iPhone XS Max and a black Samsung Galaxy S9 from the display case to show the customer. The suspect took both phones and started working toward the exit.

The victim said he got in front of the suspect and told him, “You don’t want to do this.” The suspect then grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him out of the business, saying, “I’m taking the phones – I got a gun.” The victim said the suspect also pulled out a wrench and threatened him while he was being dragged. The suspect let him go and ran northwest behind the business.

The victim described the suspect as wearing a gray beanie, gray zip-up hoodie, dark blue undershirt, and black-and-gray camo pants with an unknown tattoo on his left hand.

Burglaries & thefts

  • Shadow Fork Cove: A woman reported that someone stole a delivered package of nutrition supplies from her front porch on Jan. 7.
  • U.S. 70: Over the holidays, someone stole a woman’s gold-and-silver Viox/Bulova watch from Hearthside Assisted Living (7480 U.S. 70). Another victim also said her gold ring went missing around the same time. Reported Jan. 11.


U.S. 64: Someone entered a woman’s vehicle and stole a Vera Bradley bag containing a Dell laptop while her Chevy Tahoe was parked at Firebird’s (8470 U.S. 70) between 6:15 p.m. and 7:10 p.m. Jan. 8. She said the suspect broke her rear passenger side window to gain entry.

Stage Center: A woman said someone stole her phone and wallet from her unlocked vehicle while she was inside Ivy League Learning Center (2775 Stage Center), picking up her child. Reported Jan. 8.

Stage Road: A couple reported that someone stole their vehicle’s license plate while they were walking at the park behind the recycling center at 5890 Stage Road on Jan. 8. Reported Jan. 9.

Shadow Pine Cove: A woman reported the theft of her black leather purse from her unlocked vehicle, possibly while she was retrieving her children from daycare. Reported Jan. 9.

Baird Lane: A man said his wife confronted three young males when she caught them rummaging around in his 2011 Ford Crown Vic at 2:52 a.m. Jan. 12. They fled immediately, and nothing was missing from the vehicle.

Elmore Park Road: A man reported that someone entered his unlocked Nissan pickup while it was parked in his driveway overnight on Jan. 11. Nothing was taken. Reported Jan. 12.

Germantown Road: Security footage at the Nissan dealership (2956 Germantown Road) showed someone pulling up in a black Infiniti M35x around 2:45 p.m. onto the back of the business lot on Jan. 12. An unknown suspect took wheels off a white 2019 Nissan Altima at the back of the lot, placed them in the Infiniti and left.

Oakbrook Cove: A man reported his believe that someone stole his firearm from his vehicle on Jan. 12. It was unlocked for about 15 minutes when he got home, and then he retrieved groceries and locked the vehicle. Later that day, he unlocked the vehicle and noticed his book was moved and his firearm was gone. The firearm is a Smith & Wesson Chief Special .38 revolver, stainless with a wooden handle.

Barwick Drive: A woman discovered around 4 p.m. Jan. 12 that someone had broken into her locked vehicle. Her glove compartment was open and two Wells Fargo debit cards and two Lender’s Credit Union debit cards were missing. The responding officer saw evidence of forced entry on the driver’s side front pillar (estimated $500 in damages).

Alfred Road: A man who installed a camera on Jan. 12 caught video of someone going through his vehicles around 3 a.m. on Jan. 13. The suspect had his face partially covered and was wearing gloves, and he possibly carried a screwdriver. Nothing was missing from the victim’s vehicles.

Harmon Cove: A woman reported on Jan. 13 that someone went through her vehicle over the weekend. A neighbor’s text about similar vehicle break-ins prompted her to check her vehicles. That’s when she noticed that her truck’s glove compartment was open and someone had gone through a bag on the back seat. She said her truck was locked, but the responding officer saw no damage to the door or the lock.

Barwick Drive: A man reported that someone went through his unlocked truck on Jan. 11 or 12. He noticed the glove compartment and center console were open and the contents had been removed.