The rEvolve Guitar and Music Shop owner still hopes that some community member can help locate the suspected thief of a $1,599 guitar. The valuable pink G&L Legacy Guitar was taken from the shop (5832 Stage Road, Bartlett) on July 28. The suspect is described as being about 6 feet 2 inches tall with a medium build, and he looks to be in his mid 50s. He was last seen leaving in a silver or gray SUV. If you can provide any information on the suspect or the vehicle, please contact Detective Terry Brewer at (901) 385-5529, Ext. 2105. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain this suspect yourself. Courtesy photo.
The Bartlett Police Report for Aug. 27-Sept. 9 lists the most notable crimes for that period as reported by the Bartlett Police Department; it does not necessarily reflect all police activity. All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.
Violent crimes
A theft with an assault at Lowe’s and an aggravated assault at Walmart were among the violent crimes during this period.
An officer was doing a walk-through at Lowe’s (8300 U.S. 64) on Sept. 5 and heard a loud commotion by the garden center’s entrance/exit. An employee showed a customer’s phone that captured the photo of a suspect’s vehicle. The employee said the suspect just stole items while assaulting the cashier.
The cashier said she saw the suspect exiting the store’s interior with three high-dollar items on his cart. She walked from behind her register while another customer blocked the suspect from leaving. As she was finishing up another customer’s sale, the suspect started to pass all points of sale and exit the store. The victim grabbed one of the items, and the suspect hit her and ran off with two Generac generators.
In a separate incident on Sept. 9, officers responded to Walmart (8400 U.S. 64) about an aggravated assault. The victim said he went on break around 4:10 a.m., and when he came back to work he saw two or three unknown males in a green Ford Ranger parked near him. They kept getting out of the vehicle and switching seats, which he found suspicious. He moved his car away from them before returning to work.
After clocking back in, he went to Row 3 of the parking lot to retrieve shopping carts. While he was at the cart corral, the Ranger left the parking lot, swerving toward the victim and hitting carts. The victim said he had to jump over the railing to avoid getting hit by the vehicle. He said he was uninjured and the suspect vehicle left.
Rivercrest Lane: A woman said someone stole her firearm from her vehicle’s glove compartment between Aug. 25 and 27. She said she always locks her vehicle and parks inside her garage. No other items were missing, and her vehicle was undamaged.
Unspecified location: A man said when he returned to his truck after work on Aug. 27, the interior had been rummaged through and someone had punched the driver’s side door lock. Nothing of value was missing.
U.S. 64: Customers at Walmart (8400 U.S. 64) returned to their vehicle after about 15 minutes of shopping on Aug. 27 and found that someone had stolen both of their purses from the unlocked vehicle. Surveillance footage helped the responding officer identify a suspect who was still at the store. The suspect was taken to Bartlett Jail and charged with burglary of a motor vehicle.
U.S. 64: Someone broke into two Enterprise rental trucks while they were parked on the east side of Firebirds (8470 U.S. 64) on Aug. 28. The drivers found the rear driver’s side windows shattered, and several items were stolen.
U.S. 64: A thief hit the parking lot of Firebirds again on Aug. 30, smashing the front passenger window of a man’s vehicle and taking several items.
Stage Road: A man who left his vehicle at Simoniz Car Wash (6800 Stage Road) for washing on Sept. 3 forgot and left his wallet under the driver’s side floor mat. The wallet, which contained $250 and other items, was gone when he returned. He speculated that an employee stole it. The employees cleaning the vehicle, however, said they didn’t see a wallet in the vehicle.
North Germantown Road: A man reported that someone stole his vehicle’s license plate sometime between May and August 2018 while it was at Wolfchase Nissan (2956 N. Germantown Road) awaiting repairs. Reported Sept. 4.
Yale Road: A passerby reported two suspicious males in black clothing and on bicycles in a person’s driveway. The responding officers saw a male riding a bike west on Yale Road and tried to make contact, but he left in an unknown direction. The potential victim told them someone had rummaged through his unlocked vehicle, but nothing was taken.
Memphis Arlington Road: Someone stole the rear driver’s side tire and aluminum wheel off a man’s vehicle on Sept. 8 while it was parked at Neighborhood Walmart (6520 Memphis Arlington Road). The suspect used a jack to lift the vehicle.
Pine Oak Cove: A woman said someone stole her husband’s handgun from the backseat of their unlocked vehicle while it was parked in their driveway. The theft happened between Sept. 5 and 6. Reported Sept. 8.
U.S. 64: Someone burglarized a man’s vehicle while he was eating supper at Firebirds on Sept. 8. It was parked on the east side of the lot. He found his front driver’s door lock punched. The only thing stolen was a blue netted gym bag containing personal items.
Yale Road: Someone stole a man’s laptop from his unlocked vehicle between Sept. 7 and 8, when he realized it was missing.
Thefts & burglaries
South Sungate Drive: A woman returning home on Aug. 28 noticed that her window screen was damaged, the window to her master bedroom was open and her backyard fence looked as if someone had tampered with it. She did not notice anything missing inside, but items were moved around from where she had left them.
Plum Hill Drive: A couple said they noticed the keys to their safe lockbox were missing on Aug. 24, and they had to break into the safe to check items inside. Some birth certificates and tax documents were missing. Reported Aug. 28.
Crowell Cove: A man returning home found his driveway side door was open on Aug. 28. Multiple items had been stolen, including a shotgun. The responding officer found window blinds on the floor of a rear bedroom and a screen from that bedroom’s window lying in the backyard grass. Someone also had used a small handheld hatchet, trying to open a gun safe, causing minor damage to the safe.
Stage and Chaucer: A man reported seeing a male in dark clothes enter a carport on Chaucer on Aug. 28 and take a silver non-motorized scooter. The responding officer found someone matching that description headed west on Stage Road and arrested him for the theft.
High Plains Road: A woman reported on Aug. 28 that someone had stolen prescription medicine from her master bathroom’s vanity cabinet. She said she had just filled her prescriptions and noticed that several pills were missing. There were no signs of forced entry into the home, and no other items were missing.
Westbrook: A man was doing yardwork on Westbrook on Aug. 29 and left some equipment across the street. When he returned, someone had stolen his Stihl stick edger and Redmax weed trimmer.
Magnolia Woods: A man reported returning home to find his home rummaged through on Aug. 29. Various drawers were open, his front door was unlocked and several items were missing. He said he never leaves his front door unlocked. There were no signs of forced entry.
Oliver Grove Lane: A woman having a yard sale on Sept. 1 saw a customer walk toward the street without paying for a purse she had selected. The suspect said she hung it back up. The victim couldn’t find the purse and tried to stop the suspect as she was driving away, but the suspect wouldn’t stop.
Elba Cove: A man returning from a trip on Sept. 3 found one broken window, another left open with a broken latch, the bed moved away from a window and the outside gate cracked open. Several items were missing, including electronics and jewelry.
Stage Road: A customer left Grand Pacific (6196 Stage Road) without paying for a buffet meal on Sept. 9. His four companions paid their bills and left. An employee confronted the man with the unpaid bill as he was leaving and threatened to call the police. The suspect asked if he could use the store phone to call someone back to pay for him. After the call, he left without paying.
Dawnridge Cove: A woman’s housekeeper couldn’t clean her home on Aug. 31 and sent a replacement with the homeowner’s permission. When the owner returned home after the cleaning, she noticed that several items were missing. Reported on Sept. 4.
U.S. 64: A woman at Walmart (8400 U.S. 64) accidentally left her phone on a bench in the photo/layaway area while she visited the restroom. When she returned, the phone was gone. Video surveillance showed a suspect taking the phone, and an investigation revealed that person’s identity. A juvenile summons was issued to the suspect.
Venson: A woman said she was sitting at home the evening of Sept. 4 when she heard a loud crash. She looked at her bedroom window and saw a male suspect in a white shirt pushing the window unit air conditioner into the room in his attempts to enter. The victim said she believes she knows the suspect. He had left the scene before police arrived.
U.S. 70: A spokesman for Greenscape reported on Sept. 5 that someone stole lawn equipment from one of their work trucks. The stand holding three Stihl trimmers had a damaged locking bar, and the trimmers were missing.
Stage Road: A woman said someone stole her red Kate Spade wallet ($237) from her purse while she worked at Bartlett Medical Plaza (6570 Stage Road) on Sept. 5. She said the purse and wallet are kept in her office, and only one other employee would have access.
Brian Casey Cove: A woman reported on Sept. 7 that someone stole numerous items of jewelry and cash from various stash spots throughout her home during the period of February-August. She said there was no forced entry and nobody had access to the home when she wasn’t there.
Grassy Point Cove: A woman said she was supposed to get a Macy’s package on Aug. 23, and UPS confirmed delivery but she never received the package. She believes someone stole it from the front porch. Reported Sept. 7.
Old Brownsville Road: Someone stole lawn equipment from a man’s trailer while it was parked at the back of his property, sometime between Sept. 8 and 9.
Meggie Lane: A woman reported on Aug. 27 that someone had thrown a brick through one of her bathroom windows. She named a suspect, saying he had showed up the previous night to retrieve some belongings but she told him he would have to wait as she was leaving. The item missing from the home was what he was trying to retrieve the previous day.
Centralia Road: Someone vandalized a stop sign and part of the sidewalk with spray paint. Public Works replaced the sign and removed the paint from the sidewalk. Reported Aug. 30.
Foxhill Drive: Someone punched the driver’s side lock on a man’s truck on Aug. 31 or Sept. 1, he reported. He said nothing was taken and he wasn’t sure if the attempt happened there or at his job site in Memphis.
Summerdale Drive: A woman reported that someone cut all four tires on her vehicle and slashed her pool liner on Aug. 31 or Sept. 1. She named a suspect, saying that the person’s knife was found in a neighbor’s front yard.
Rivercrest Lane: A woman returned home late on Sept. 1 to find her vehicle vandalized. Someone had removed the wheels’ lug nut cover plates, taken the valve stem covers, slightly bent the tag, made small dents on the driver’s side rear door and the passenger’s side rear door, made small key scratches on the front and rear bumpers and removed the gas cap cover door.
Laurel Valley Drive: A woman said someone vandalized her home while she was away Aug. 25-Sept. 5. She found her back patio furniture lying in the middle of the yard, and the flower pots that had been on the table were lying on the ground, spilling over where the table should be. Reported Sept. 7.
North Stage Plaza: A woman filed a disturbance/intimidation complaint about an Aug. 28 incident between her and another student at the Institute of beauty (2962 N. Stage Plaza). She said they have recently had verbal disputes. Both were asked to leave the business on Aug. 27 after one such argument. She said she left the business, but the other student went to her vehicle and called her boyfriend, asking him to bring a pistol to the business. The victim said she believes the suspect wanted to physically harm her. She said the suspect later threatened her with a baseball bat on Aug. 28. A witness and employee said the suspect is no longer allowed on the property.
St. Elmo: A spokesman for the Exxon location at 7049 St. Elmo reported a fraud problem on Sept. 2. Between June and Sept. 2, someone had put credit card skimmers on two of the location’s gas pumps.
Unspecified location: A woman reported on Sept. 7 that her checking account was compromised. She noticed three fraudulent checks that were drawn on her account.