Bartlett Police reports for Feb. 7-12, 2017

police hat, badge, cuffsThe Bartlett Police Department handled the following incidents for Feb. 7-12, 2017. This listing includes the most notable incidents for the reporting period and does not necessarily reflect all police activity.

Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.

Feb. 7

Stage Road (burglary)

A man reported seeing several vehicles loaded up with unknown items, leaving the parking lot of Marathon Gas Station (5984 Stage Road) when he arrived around 7:17 p.m. Feb. 7.

The man is in charge of removing and/or selling the contents of the property and said he does not believe anyone else should be on the premises. He gave the responding officers the license plate numbers of the vehicles.

The responding officers noticed a pried door and broken lock on the north side door of the building.

Feb. 8

Delaney Valley (theft in progress)

A man sitting outside for a smoke around 2:30 a.m. Feb. 8 spotted suspects in action. He noticed an early 2000 model red Chevrolet truck driving slowly down the street. It backed into the yard of a new home under construction, and two white males loaded bundles of shingles into the truck bed. When he started walking toward them, they sped off northbound on Delaney Drive, turning westbound on Blue Lagoon.

They escaped with an estimated 10-12 bundles of Supreme shingles with an approximate value of $480.

U.S. 64 (bank robbery)

Officers responded to a reported bank robbery at Southern Security Credit Union (8058 U.S. 64) around 9:10 a.m. Feb. 8. The complainant said a heavyset white male came in the north entrance, demanding all of the money and no dye packs. He made her believe that he was armed with a firearm but did not display one.

He left through the same entrance and ran toward Colton’s restaurant.

He was described as a white male wearing a black Bass Pro hoodie, a green bandanna covering his face, a green T-shirt, black cargo or BDU-style pants and black gloves.

Officers found the suspect’s unoccupied vehicle, a red 1996 Chevrolet Cavalier, next to Guitar Center (8000 U.S. 64) with the engine still running.

East Foxhill Drive (theft from motor vehicle)

Someone broke into a man’s vehicle between 5 p.m. Feb. 7 and 8 a.m. Feb. 8 while it was parked in his carport. The vehicle’s doors were unlocked, and the only item taken was a portable battery ($50).

Feb. 10

Charity Glen Drive (theft)

A mom reported that someone stole her son’s FleXor mountain bike ($149) when he left the house on Feb. 10 and forgot to close the garage. The bike is black with red-and-white lettering.

Feb. 11

Teaberry Lane (assault/motor vehicle theft)

A woman reported the morning of Feb. 11 that her grandson had just assaulted her inside her home and then stole her Toyota.

She said he had asked to borrow the car but she had refused, so he forcefully removed her keys from her hand and took the car anyway. The vehicle was entered into the National Crime Information Center’s database as a stolen car. Officers also obtained a warrant for the suspect.

Feb. 12

Stage Road (business burglary)

Two men are already in custody, accused of burglarizing rEvolve Guitar & Music (5832 Stage Road) around 3:43 a.m. Feb. 12.

The responding officers saw a broken window at the rear entrance on the north side of the building, and three electric guitars were lying on the ground. They found burn marks along the window frame of the broken window. West of the point of entry, they saw an open utility closet with several cut/burned wires consistent with the burns found on the window frame. Officers also found a yellow Bernzomatic blow torch that appeared to have been used in the burglary. The business owner said it didn’t belong to him.

Officers also spotted a trail of blood droplets that stretched from the point of entry into the parking lot on the north side of the building. One officer found a drop of the blood on a piece of glass from the broken window and collected it.
The owner said it appeared that seven guitars had been taken from the business.

The BPD report also quoted from a WREG News story naming two males in custody in Arkansas, accused of the rEvolve burglary. One suspect, 18, is from Millington, and the other, 19, is from Memphis.