The Bartlett Police Department handled the following incidents for Dec. 5-18. This listing includes the most notable incidents for the reporting period and does not necessarily reflect all police activity.
Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.
Dec. 5
West Ridge Road (residential burglary)
A subcontractor alerted police on Dec. 5 that he had recently noticed door damages and appliance theft at a home on West Ridge Road.
Around Nov. 30, he saw that the back door had been forcibly opened, causing about $250 of damage. He also saw that a dishwasher of unknown brand ($250) had been removed.
The subcontractor was working for the financial institution that owns the property.
Dec. 6
Richland Cove (theft from yard)
On Dec. 6, a representative of Regency Homes reported the theft of 25 square of shingles from a property under construction on the 3300 block of Richland Cove.
Dec. 12
Dove Ridge Cove (auto burglary)
Someone rifled through a man’s unlocked vehicle parked in his driveway and stole $30 from the center console, the victim reported on Dec. 12. He said it happened between 9 p.m. Dec. 11 and 7 a.m. Dec. 16.
Earlynn Drive (vandalism)
An unidentified passerby reported seeing a broken window on a black Honda Civic parked on the corner of Cinders Road and Earlynn Drive the morning of Dec. 13.
The responding officers found the car and notified the owner, who said he parked the vehicle around 11 a.m. on Dec. 12, and it was undamaged at the time. He was unaware of the broken front driver’s side window until officers contacted him. A neighbor volunteered the fact that she has surveillance cameras that point in the general direction of the incident.
Dec. 13
Unspecified location (theft from vehicle)
A man visited BPD headquarters on Dec. 13 to report that someone entered his unlocked 2015 Ram 1500 pickup and stole his handgun, a Ruger P-95 9mm. He wasn’t sure where his truck was parked when the theft occurred but wanted to file a report so the handgun’s information could be entered into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database.
Hillyglen (theft from motor vehicle)
A man reported on Dec. 13 that someone stole nearly $900 worth of items from his unlocked truck while it was parked in his driveway.
Items taken included a Weatherby 3006 rifle with black synthetic stock, a black shoulder strap and Nikon scope ($700); a camo book bag ($35) that contained a box of Winchester 3006 ammunition ($50) and a set of Nikon binoculars ($75); and a brown Polo bi-fold wallet containing his Tennessee driver’s license, two credit cards, a debit card and his Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency hunting license ($15).
He said the theft happened between 9:30 p.m. Dec. 11 and 7:30 a.m. Dec. 12.
Dec. 14
Ackerman Cove (theft from yard)
Someone stole an approximately 17-foot silver ladder from a woman’s yard on Dec. 14. She reported that it happened between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
She described the ladder as expandable with round steps, valued around $140. It was leaning against the residence in her front yard when she last saw it.
Burloe (intimidation/reckless endangerment)
A traffic dispute turned into an armed conflict on Dec. 14. The male suspect said he was turning onto Burloe from eastbound U.S 70 when a Chevrolet Tahoe with a Tennessee firefighter tag passed him and abruptly stopped in front of his vehicle. He said the driver, a white female, began yelling at him and then backed her car up “like she was trying to hit my car.”
He fired a round from a Taurus Millennium G2 .40 caliber handgun into the air to get her to stop. He later said that he fired the round in the direction of her vehicle toward the woods line in what he called a safe direction. He was driving a white Dodge Charger.
The female driver said she was in an “argument and nothing else” with a male black in a white car. She said she had to slam on her brakes and was mad because items in her car slid forward.
Victim said that she and the driver of the white vehicle exchanged words and both said things they shouldn’t have.
The officer recovered a .40-caliber shell casing near the intersection as well as the man’s weapon and took both into evidence.
The incident took place close to the roadway and residential homes in the vicinity, and the suspect’s statements differed on what direction he fired. The officers concluded that his reckless conduct placed the woman and people in the vicinity in imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury. The man was taken to Bartlett Jail without incident.
Dec. 15
Christoval (attempted warrant pickup with additional charges)
Officers tried to pick up a suspect on Christoval on Dec. 15 based on an active Shelby County warrant for fraudulent use of an EBT/food stamps. One officer has had multiple encounters with the suspect and, upon arrival at the address, recognized him sitting in the front passenger seat of a maroon Lexus parked in front of the address. When the officer approached the driver’s side, identified himself and told the driver to turn the car off, the driver put the car in drive and moved forward.
The officer opened the driver’s door and told the driver to stop the vehicle. The driver wasn’t wearing a seat belt, so the officer tried to pull him out. Instead, the driver accelerated and pulled away. The officer then moved around to the passenger side of the vehicle and had the suspect get out. As the suspect stepped out, the driver again accelerated and refused to stop. The back seat passenger opened the rear door and jumped out of the vehicle, narrowly missing a parked car.
The suspect vehicle accelerated rapidly, making the car’s rear fishtail (swerve), leaving tire marks on the asphalt and then hitting a Ford Explorer.
An officer ran alongside the suspect’s vehicle and ordered the driver to stop. He also recognized the driver, who he has encountered in the past. The car continued south on Christoval toward U.S. 64, speeding at more than double the posted 30 mph zone. Several neighbors came outside to see what was happening. The driver disregarded the stop sign at Christoval and U.S. 64 and turned right onto the highway’s center lane without signaling.
Dec. 17
Coral Hill (dog/animal bite)
A Coral Hill resident reported that his neighbor’s white pit bull attached his son-in-law and his dog around 3:45 p.m. Dec. 17. He said the dog jumped over the six-foot picket fence into his back yard and attacked his yellow Lab, causing multiple cuts and bite marks on the head, neck and ear. One ear was bitten off. The pit bull bit the son-in-law’s hand when he tried to separate the dogs.
The responding officer contacted Animal Control for the incident.