Bartlett Police reports for Aug. 15-21, 2016

Bartlett police badgeThe Bartlett Police Department handled the following incidents in Bartlett during Aug. 15-12.

Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged goods. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.

Aug. 15

Bartlett Boulevard (vandalism)

Someone vandalized the restroom at W.J. Freeman Park (2629 Bartlett Bartlett Boulevard) between 7 p.m. Aug. 13 and 7:30 a.m. Aug. 14.

The suspect tore off about three bundles of shingles ($300) from the roof of the restroom near the baseball field and scattered them about the park area.

High Tree Street (residential burglary)

A woman reported Aug. 15 that someone stole items and tampered with her hot water tank in her garage.

She said her garage was slightly open, and she noticed between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. that a tile cutter ($150) and a 16-foot ladder ($250) were stolen. She also noticed that her hot water tank, also in the garage, had been tampered with and was leaking water. She believes that the suspect tried to steal copper wire from the tank.

Frannie (theft)

Someone stole spare tires from their Jeep SUVs, two victims reported on Aug. 15.

The complainants said that sometime between 8:30 p.m. Aug. 13 and 7:30 a.m. Aug. 14 someone removed the spares from their Jeeps, one of which was parked on the street and the other was parked in a driveway. No other damage was done to either vehicle.

Aug. 16

High Tree Street (burglary)

A burglar stole lumber from an unlocked but closed garage on High Street, the owner reported on Aug. 16. She said someone took five pieces of precut deck lumber ($20 each) from her attached garage between 8 p.m. Aug. 15 and 7 a.m. Aug. 16.

Memphis Arlington Road (property damage)

A limb fell on a Bartlett city vehicle while the employee had it parked in his driveway on Memphis Arlington Road, the man reported on Aug. 16. The tree was on his property when the limb struck the white F0-250 work truck.

The damage was to the roof’s center where it meets the windshield and on the top of the hood near the front on the driver’s side. Total damages appeared to be more than $400.

Aug. 17

Hampton Valley Lane (theft)

A thief in need of fence materials found an unlucky construction site on Hampton Valley Road, as reported by a representative of Grant Co. on Aug. 17.

The rep said 100 cedar fence pickets ($300) and four 4x4x8 cedar posts ($50) were missing as of 10 a.m. that day.

Wolf Lake Drive (theft)

Someone took the license plate off a man’s work vehicle, he reported on Aug. 17. He had no suspect leads and didn’t know when the theft occurred. It happened on the 8400 block of Wolf Lake Drive.

High Plains Road (theft)

Someone took a coin-filled jug ($600) from a man’s truck on Aug. 10. As the victim reported on Aug. 17, he kept a five-gallon water jug for his change in his truck’s cab, and he returned to his vehicle to discover that his money was missing. He estimated the value based on his last full jug of coins ($1,200). There was no damage to the truck.

Aug. 19

U.S. 64 (auto burglary)

Someone burglarized a man’s truck while he was parked at Sam’s Club (8480 U.S. 64), the victim reported on Aug. 19.

He said someone punched the driver’s side lock of his red 2005 Ford F-350 while it was parked on the west end of Sam’s Club’s parking lot. The intruder took a brand-new checkbook. The theft happened between 11:35 a.m. and 12:20 p.m. that day.

A witness saw two black males in a newer-model gray Camaro with no registration plate pull up to the truck; a passenger jumped out, broke into the truck and then fled in the Camaro.

Altruria (auto burglary)

A victim flagged down an officer around 5:30 p.m. on Aug. 19 about a theft from her van on the 6400 block of Stage Road, in a city park’s parking lot on Altruria Road. Someone broke the driver’s side window ($200) of her Honda Odyssey and stole her black purse ($80).

Bartlett Boulevard (theft from motor vehicle)

A thief made off with another purse on Aug. 19. The victim said someone punched the front door locks ($200 each) on the driver’s and passenger’s side while her GMC Yukon was parked at W.J. Freeman Park (2629 Bartlett Blvd.). The thief took a black purse ($200) from the floorboard.

Aug. 21

Bristol Park Circle (auto burglary)

A man using Enterprise Rental found the driver’s door ajar on the black 2015 Toyota Camry he was renting. He discovered the intrusion around 9:15 am. on Aug. 21.

The thief made off with a gold 64gb Apple iPad Mini (value not provided) and his daughter’s St. Agnes Academy ring ($500). The ring is described as antique gold with white pearls around it along with a black triangular stone in the center and Greek lettering on it.

U.S. 64 (theft)

A customer stole employee tips at TCBY Yogurt on Aug. 21. A female customer told the employees that a man had reached into their tip jar and removed cash (about $25) and left. The vehicle was a late-model gray Chevrolet Impala.