Bartlett Police report for May 10-15, 2016

police hat, badge, cuffs

The Bartlett Police Department (BPD) handled the following incidents during May 10-15.

This listing includes the most notable incidents for the reporting period and does not necessarily reflect all police activity.

Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.

May 10

Angelin Drive (residential burglary)

A man reported that someone entered his open garage and stole more than $600 worth of lawn equipment on May 10.

He identified the window of opportunity as between 10:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

The property stolen included a Honda lawnmower ($296), a Torro weed trimmer ($89), and a Husqvarna blower ($229).

Brickmont (theft/forgery)

A man found out on May 10 that a check he placed in his mailbox on May 3 had been stolen. The check was for $403 to cover medical expenses and was written on a Suntrust account.

The check was cashed May 4 at a Suntrust branch. The bank’s representative who spoke with the victim said the check appeared to have been washed, and there was a clear difference between the signature ink and the the rest of the handwritten ink on the check.

The check also had been altered and made out to a different person for a different amount of $493. The new recipient’s name and driver’s license information was captured on the check when the suspect cashed it.

Germantown Road (aggravated burglary)

A man visited his property on Germantown Road May 10 just in time to catch a theft in progress. Around 5:30 p.m. he went to the home to check on progress with renovations, and he saw a gray Chevrolet Malibu parked in the driveway.

He also saw a taller black male weighing approximately 220 lbs., walking through the yard and carrying his Craftsman three-ton floor jack.

The jack had previously been left inside the residence by the victim’s workers.

The victim did not recognize the suspect, and when he asked the suspectwhat he was doing at the residence, the suspect said, “I know you.”

The victim then told the unknown suspect that they did not know each other and reached for his phone to call the police. The suspect immediately fled the scene in the Malibu and was last seen heading northbound on Germantown Road.

As the car pulled away the victim also noticed a heavyset black female in the passenger seat.

Responding officers saw that the home’s back door was open and several pieces of the wooden trim were lying on the ground. It appeared that the back door had been forced open. The victim said that there was no prior damage to the door.

The house was cleared and the victim ensured no property was missing.

The Malibu was registered to an address listed on Senator Street in Arlington. Checking the address, officers were able to identify a potential male suspect matching the general description provided by the victim.

May 11

Blackwell Road (residential alarm)

An officer found a pried-off window screen and broken window pane in the rear of a home when responding to an alarm around 9:16 a.m. May 11. A fresh shoe print was evident in the dirt under the window, but debris and leaves made it impossible to identify a specific shoe print.

The homeowner spoke to his wife, and she used her phone remotely to check the home’s security camera. On the surveillance footage, she saw a hand break through the window but didn’t see any suspects enter the house.

Nothing other than the window appeared to be disturbed or missing.

May 12

Sherlyn Cove (auto burglary)

One household’s unlocked vehicles were inviting targets for burglary on May 12.

An officer responded just before 2 a.m., and the victim said someone had broken into his vehicle and his girlfriend’s vehicles.

Stolen items included a Journey pendant diamond necklace ($500), a wallet ($15) and a gym bag with miscellaneous karate gear ($100).

Mill Creek Cove (attempted residential burglary)

The victim found damage on May 12 where someone tried to break into her home through a rear storm window.

She said the attempted break-in happened within the past week. Two screws were removed from the storm window, and the window screen was torn. The suspect also tried to pry at the bottom of the storm window but was unsuccessful in gaining entry.

May 13

Stage Road (theft from motor vehicle)

Someone swiped a bag containing more than $300 of cash and belongings from a woman’s car while she was pumping gas on May 13.

She said she paid for her gas with one of her credit cards at 66127 Stage Road, placed the card back into her yellow bag, and placed the bag on the passenger seat of her vehicle. When she had pumped the gas and was getting in her vehicle, she noticed her yellow bag($20) and its contents were missing.

The bag contained her Tennessee driver’s license ($10), Samsung cell phone ($200), Discover card ($5), American Express card ($5), Suntrust debit card ($5), Macy’s credit card ($5), Steinmart credit card ($5), and $40 in cash.

May 15

Wild Drive (suspicious person)

Officers responded to a call after 4 a.m. May 15 that two black males were walking in the area and looking into vehicles with a flashlight. The officers spotted them in front of Canna Hall, and they took off running and climbed over a fence.

Officers pursued the suspects eastbound across Kirby Whitten, following dew prints in the grass, and located one suspect lying on the ground, trespassing in a back yard on Sprucehill. The person, a juvenile, was out past curfew and was arrested.

A routine check of the area where the suspects were spotted turned up three vehicles that the owners said had been rummaged through during the night. The vehicles were at Hidden Fern, Meadow-field and Quail Landing. Nothing appeared to be taken from those vehicles.

The second suspect was later identified.

Several other auto burglaries were reported in that general area overnight.