The Bartlett Police Department (BPD) handled the following incidents for Sept. 14-20.
These are the most notable cases of the week and do not necessarily represent all BPD activities for the time period.
Editor’s note: All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and values are estimated for stolen/damaged items. These are brief summaries of detailed BPD reports.
Sept. 14
Baylor Road (vandalism)
A man reported on Sept. 14 that someone had shattered the front passenter window of his 2010 Ford F150.
The complainant said he last saw the truck undamaged when he left town around 10 a.m. Sept. 9.
Sept. 15
Wellsgate Point (automobile theft)
A woman reported on Sept. 15 that her black 2005 Toyota 4Runner was missing from her driveway.
She and her husband last saw the vehicle around 10:30 p.m. when he returned home from work.When she went outside at 7:10 the next morning, it was missing. She still had the vehicle’s keys in her purse in the home.
Officers did not see any broken glass in the driveway.
Sept. 17
Memphis Arlington Road (theft)
A man reported on Sept. 17 that someone had stolen two of his McKee hand drill motors ($97 each) from his workshop. The structure is a freestanding building in his backyard.
Sept. 18
St. Elmo (residential burglary)
A man reported that someone burglarized his home while he was gone for about half an hour the afternoon of July 18. He returned to find his gate open and his lock pried off the gate.
His black 5-by-8-foot metal trailer ($1,000) was stolen from the front yard. Near the trailer, he saw lawn furniture that was supposed to be inside the residence.
Other items missing from the home’s interior included Chinese antiques and an estimated $20,000 in lawn furniture, including chairs, table, recliners, and umbrella bases, all made on cast iron with tan fabric cushions
Thistle Point (suspicious person)
An officer responded to a report of a suspicious person on Thistle Point at 3:29 a.m. Sept. 18.
The complainant said she looked out her window and saw an unknown male peering into her pickup. She left to wake up her husband, and when she returned to the window the suspect was gone.
He wore a baseball cap, and she saw a white sedan of unknown make or model driving down her street around the same time she saw the man in her driveway. The truck was locked, and she said nothing inside it looked out of place.
Officers spotted footprints in the yard, leading away from the truck.
Evening Light Drive (residential burglary)
Someone stole a red Troy-Bilt lawn mower ($300) from an open garage on Evening Light Drive during Sept. 12-18.
North Street (aggravated burglary)
An intruder entered a North Street home on Sept. 18 through a broken garage door and the unlocked interior door between the garade and house.
Items reported missing include 14 glass and plastic containers full of coins. Some were taken from a home office shelf, and others were hidden in an orange-and-white “Univer-sity of Tennessee” toy bench. The incident happened between 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. on Sept. 18.
Sept. 19
Barwick (aggravated burglary)
A man reported that someone entered his open garage and stole a Troy-Bilt red-and-black four-stroke backpack blower ($250).
He estimated that the crime happened between 11 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. on Sept. 19.