Bartlett pays tribute to educators for National Teacher Day

Representatives of all 11 Bartlett City Schools and the district office were present at City Hall on May 8 for a proclamation honoring teachers. Photo by Debbie Gelineau.

A large group of educators attended the National Teacher Day proclamations May 8 at Bartlett City Hall, along with Bartlett Mayor A. Keith McDonald, Vice Mayor and Alderman Jack Young and Alderman Bobby Simmons.

The educators and district leaders included:

  • Altruria Elementary: Marva Johnson, principal; and Tricia Engle, fourth-grade teacher and Teacher of the Year nominee
  • Bartlett Elementary: Page Watson, principal; Denise Brooks, third-grade teacher and Bartlett Elementary School Teacher of the Year; and Becky Cross, kindergarten teacher and Bartlett Elementary School Teacher of the Year
  • Bon Lin Elementary: Kasandra Berry, principal; Sharonda Rose, Governor’s Academy of School Leadership – Lakeland; Erika Papageorgeon, Bartlett City Schools Technology Teacher of the Year; and Melinda Bellanti, Bon Lin Elementary Teacher of the Year
  • Ellendale Elementary: BessAnne McKnight, principal; and Nichole Harville, second-grade teacher and Ellendale Teacher of the Year
  • Oak Elementary: Michelle Miller, assistant principal; Anthony Richardson, music teacher; and Susan Brady, art teacher
  • Rivercrest Elementary: Portia Tate, principal; Hope Shields, kindergarten teacher and also Tennessee Education Association’s Distinguished New Educator, pre-K through fourth grade; and Melissa Lamar, functional skills teacher
  • Appling Middle: Dr. Keshia McMickens, principal; and Amy Pintchuck, school counselor
  • Bon Lin Middle: Cody Duncan, principal; and Elizabeth Smith, strings/orchestra teacher
  • Elmore Park Middle: Ethan Randall, principal; and Rachel Taylor, functional skills teacher
  • Bartlett 9th Grade Academy: John McDonald, principal; and Tara Smith, world history teacher
  • Bartlett High: Tim Jones, principal; and Steffanie Grisham, U.S. history teacher
  • Bartlett City Schools District: Dr. David Stephens, superintendent of education; Jason Sykes, communications/volunteer and community outreach coordinator; and Dr. Lee-Ann Kight, director of teaching and learning