Bartlett passes 2018-19 budgets, leaves ad valorem tax unchanged

At the June 12 city board meeting, Bartlett’s leaders held a hearing and passed an ordinance adopting its 2018-19 budgets, including the General Fund, Street Aid Fund, Solid Waste Fund, General Improvement Fund, Drug Enforcement Fund, DEA Enforcement Fund, Drainage Fund, Parks Improvement Fund, Bartlett City School Fund, Utility Fund, Debt Service Fund, and Capital Improvements Fund.

The board also held a hearing and passed an ordinance for the new fiscal year’s ad valorem taxes.

Bartlett’s city board had the second reading of the upcoming fiscal year’s budgets and an unchanged ad valorem tax rate of $1.83 at the May 22 meeting. The June 12 reading was the third and final one.

Expenditure highlights from the 2018-19 budgets include:

  • $55,734,205, general funds
  • $90,596,415, total special revenue funds (This includes the Street Aid Fund, Solid Waste Fund, General Improvement Fund, Drug Enforcement Fund, DEA Enforcement Fund, Drainage Control Fund, Park Improvement Fund and Bartlett City School Fund. The school fund alone accounts for $79,847.876; it also includes an additional school resource officer to enhance school safety.)
  • $11,178,244, utility fund
  • $8,471,401, general debt service

The city’s Capital Improvement Program for FY2019-23 has a five-year total of $58.7 million and lists these amounts annually:

  • $16,296,936 for FY2019
  • $19,469,683 for FY2020
  • $8,910,000 for FY2021
  • $9,175,000 for FY2022
  • $4,875,000 for FY2023

The proposed ad valorem tax rate will remain at $1.83 per for every $100 of taxable personal property’s assessed valuation.

In other business, the board:

  • Renewed the police department’s annual service agreement with Data Driven for Watson Field Reporting Suite at a cost of $37,364.90.
  • Accepted the qualified bid to purchase 126 ballistic rifle vests for the police department from Protect the Force at a cost of $32,753.70.
  • Accepted the sole bid for the Public Works Department’s annual ready-mix concrete purchase from Memphis Ready Mix.
  • Accepted the lowest bids from Sullen Dock, Memphis Stone & Gravel and Nature’s Earth Products for the Public Works Department’s annual purchase of fill sand, limestone and rip rap.
  • Accepted the lowest bid from NAPA for a year’s worth of the Public Works Department’s vehicle replacement parts. NAPA was the only vendor to submit a total bid on all parts.
  • Accepted Mister Tree’s request for proposal for citywide tree trimming and removal. The company had the highest average score of 100 in the review process. This service will be on an as-needed or emergency basis for various departments, including Code Enforcement, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works. There is no set cost at this time.
    Accepted Burr and Cole Inc.’s proposal for the design of the Fletcher Creek Walking Trail, Phase 3, at a cost of $85,200. The final cost to the city will be $17,040.00 thanks to an 80/20 grant.
  • Received the treasurer’s report for April 2018.
  • Appointed Wayne Ray to the city’s Code Appeals Board.
  • Approved renewal of the city’s insurance (property, general liability, auto, worker’s compensation and other).
  • Amended the FY2018 General Fund Budget to appropriate $48,600 for education incentive pay for the Fire Department’s personnel.
  • Passed a routine resolution to delete uncorrectible accounts from utility customers’ accounts receivable.
    Had the first reading of an ordinance for amendments to the city’s zoning ordinance. Changes include amending the definition of “dwelling unit” and the addition of definitions for “short term rental unit” and “transient guest.” The public hearing will be July 10.