Bartlett a la Carte will be 5-7 p.m. April 6 at the Esplanade in Cordova.
Vendors can now submit their applications; space is limited.
There is no fee for vendor participation. Bar, restaurant, bakery or food specialty vendors can reserve a spot to showcase food and drinks one-on-one with consumers.
The event is presented to the public by the Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) and the Northeast Shelby County Rotary with a silent auction benefiting Youth Villages.
Table sponsorships are available in the VIP Cafe for $1,000. A business may wish to host clients or reward top employees as well as to get business exposure to attendees from Northeast Shelby County.
Contact Krista Antonuk, BPACC director of marketing and communications, at (901) 372.9457 for sponsorships details or to become a vendor.