Bartlett Kiwanis Club members joined in the holiday practice of collecting money for the Salvation Army. Local church groups and civic organizations annually stand for long hours and in sometimes cold weather to remind mid-Southerners to donate to the many red kettles spotted at grocery and retail stores throughout the area.
Bartlett Kiwanis members said they were fortunate in being allowed to take shelter in the lobby of Bartlett’s Hobby Lobby.
The Red Kettle program in the Memphis area operated Monday-Saturday from Nov. 16 through Dec. 23, with the exception of Thanksgiving Day. Volunteers included families, teens, adults, church groups, clubs and corporate organizations.
The donations they gathered will support the Salvation Army’s provision of shelter, addiction recovery, disaster assistance, Christmas gifts, work-therapy programs, a sleep-away summer camp and worship opportunities.
For more information on the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle program, visit