Bartlett Kiwanis celebrated its25th anniversary with an evening in the Quail Ridge Golf Course dining room earlier this month. The meal was catered by Youth Villages “Food with Class,” complete with three main courses and an array of hors d’oeuvres.

In attendance were Kiwanis District Governor Eva Abate and her husband, V.J. (for the Louisiana, Mississippi and West Tennessee district); Lt. Governor of Division 1-C, Tom Tompkins and wife, Cheryl; Bill Boyd, member of Memphis Kiwanis and original sponsor, with his wife, Regina; and many past and present Kiwanis officers and members, as well as several distinguished guests, including students from Overton High School.
Bartlett Elementary School students created the place mats for the dinner.
The keynote speaker was Sgt. Len Edwards, executive director of Commission on Missing and Exploited Children (COMEC). Edwards is retired from the Memphis Police Department and is a member of the Bartlett Kiwanis Club.