Bartlett honors fallen veterans for sacrifices

The American Legion Post 249 invited citizens to join them at Veterans Park in Bartlett on Memorial Day, May 25, for a 10 a.m. program.

A crowd that ranged from young to old gathered despite stormy skies to participate in a service and an observance of how much American veterans have sacrificed.

poppy-w2Editor’s note: In a separate event, the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 249 will distribute bright-red crepe-paper poppies, the symbol of fallen American veterans, on Saturday, May 30, at the Walmart on U.S. 64 in Bartlett. Revenue from donations will benefit veterans and their families. Citizens are encouraged to make a donation and wear a poppy for the day in remembrance. (Click here to read about why poppies symbolize the sacrifices of fallen veterans and to read the poem, “In Flanders Field.”)