Bartlett home sales jump for February

Bartlett home sales jumped 42 percent last month, the largest improvement among Shelby County municipalities.

The Memphis Area Association of Realtors said 74 Bartlett houses were sold in February for a median sales price of $153,500. Last year, 52 homes sold during the same period for a median sales price of $134,950.

Eight new homes also sold in Bartlett last month.

Memphis-area home sales for February rose 4.4 percent from a year ago, with 987 total sales recorded in the property records database. Sales declined 8.9 percent from January, when there were 1,083 total sales. Average sales price year-over-year increased 6.8 percent to $126,664.

“To be up more than four percent in sales for the month, with the tough weather we have had, isn’t bad at all,” said MAAR President Greg Glosson.

Thirteen homes, including four new builds, were sold in Arlington last month for a median sales price of $223,075, the second highest in the county behind Collierville. Sales in Shelby County were up 7 percent.