Bartlett High School’s cheer team brought home honors again from the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championship. The team of 36 girls traveled to Orlando, Fla., on Feb. 8 for competition on Feb. 10-11 at the ESPN Sports Complex at Walt Disney World. They competed in four divisions: Junior Varsity Tumbling, JV Non-tumbling JV Game Day and Varsity Non-tumbling Game Day. The team earned fifth place in JV Tumbling and in JV Game Day, as well as seventh place in Varsity Non-tumbling Game Day. The team cheers at JV, freshman and Varsity football games and also performs competitively. COMING UP: There will be an informational meeting at 6:30 p.m. March 8 in the high school cafeteria for any girl interested in trying out for Bartlett Competitive Cheer. Tryouts will be March 21-23 in the Bartlett Ninth Grade Academy cafeteria. Questions can be directed to Denise Henry at photo.
Team trophies
The Tumbling Team – Routine took fifth place.
The Tumbling Team – Game Day took fifth place.
The Non-tumbling Team took seventh place in Game Day.