Bartlett fisherman wins WTEBC Classic

Larry Holderfield
Larry Holderfield

Bartlett resident Larry Holderfield claimed the title at the Oct. 28-29 West Tennessee Elite Bass Club’s season-closer, its first WTEBC Classic. He brought in four fish tallied at 8.76 lbs.

The event was at Kentucky Lake, launching from the new Johnsonville public ramp. Four teams competed for bragging rights. They were met with the first real cold snap of the season: The daytime highs struggled to reach 50 degrees, and the overnight lows fell into the 30s.

Given the arriving cold front, low lake levels, lack of vegetation and heavy fishing pressure from other tournaments, the bite had been extremely tough lately. Recent fishing reports of one to two keeper fish a day on the lake set the stage for a challenging tournament.

The club extended its thanks to the October tournament sponsors: Tatum’s Plumbing LLC of Oakland, Nutrishop of Cordova, and S&H Outdoors of Golden, Miss. Learn more about the club online at