The Bartlett mayor and city board wrapped up business on short-term property rentals at the July 10 Bartlett city board meeting.
They had the final reading on new zoning ordinance changes to set guidelines for safe and reasonable operation of short-term rental units and to specify zones that permit such rentals.
In other business, the board:
- Accepted the lowest bid for roof replacement at the Bartlett Performing Arts and Conference Center. The bid went to Jessie Bryant Roofing at a cost of $309,712, plus a contingency amount of $35,000 for total cost of $344,712.
- Set an Aug. 14 public hearing for a resolution on a retail store’s special use permit. The permit would be for the sale of used children’s clothing at Summer Kids, 2831 Bartlett Blvd.
- Had the second (of three) ordinance readings to rezone property on the north side of Yale Road at U.S. 70 from RS-10 to ROI. The public hearing is set for July 24.
- Approved a special event permit for the Memphis Runner’s Road Race Series 5 Mile Runs on Aug. 12 and 26 at W.J. Freeman Park.
- Passed a routine resolution to delete uncollectable property taxes, interest, penalties and associated costs from the City of Bartlett’s tax rolls.
- Accepted the Planning Commission report for July 2018.