Bartlett family faces armed robbers in driveway

Bartlett police badge

[Editor’s note: Updated at 1:10 p.m. May 17 with the huge amount of cash taken.]

Two armed robbers held up a woman and her son in their Bartlett driveway on Monday morning.

The Bartlett Police Department reported that the crime began around 7:30 a.m. The woman and her son, a juvenile, were loading her truck with items in her driveway when they noticed an unknown silver or gray Nissan vehicle (unknown model) stopping next to the woman.

One suspect ran up to her and entered her vehicle from the driver’s door. A second suspect, the driver of the Nissan, got out and pointed a black handgun at her and told her not to look at him and not to move. There may have been a third person in the vehicle, but no description is available.

They fled with close to $100,000 in cash and the victim’s purse and wallet containing cash and credit cards.

The first suspect was a male, around age 35-40, of medium build. He wore a black mask, a black hoodie, black pants and gloves. The second suspect was a Hispanic male, around age 35-40, estimated at 5 foot 8 inches or 5 foot 9 inches tall and weighing about 160-170 lbs. The second man had salt-and-pepper facial hair and wore large dark sunglasses and a dark ballcap.

The Nissan is a four-door vehicle with a partial tag of 741, 746 or 747Z.

Anyone having any information please contact Det. Kane (901) 385-5529 ext 2103 or Det. Allen (901) 385-5529, Ext. 2108.

Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138 or via email to

3 thoughts on “Bartlett family faces armed robbers in driveway

  1. Perry Pendergrast says:

    Why would people be carrying $100,000.00 in cash, in their car? It obviously sounds like the crooks knew they had the cash, so that begs another question. Did the victims know their assailants?
    Sounds like there is more to this story, than meets the eye.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I am sorry to hear about the lady and son. you have our prayers/encouragement. What subdivision was this in?

    • Carolyn Bahm says:

      The police have declined to reveal that information at this point in the investigation.

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