[EDITOR’S NOTE: Click on each photo to read the caption.]
The Bartlett Diamonds Cheer teams have received a bid to the National Youth Activities Association (N.Y.A.A.) National Competition to be held in Chicago, Ill., on July 21 -22.
“The girls have worked extremely hard learning sportsmanship, team building and most of all learning that hard work does pay off,” said Tammera Mcallister, cheer team fundraiser captain. “The teams have won regionals and states to receive a national bid. Congratulations to all the Bartlett Diamonds.”
The girls are currently working on fundraisers to let each girl go to nationals. Supporters can visit their donation page online at bit.ly/BartlettDiamonds. Also see them online at facebook.com/championforcebartlettdiamonds or championforce.com/tennessee. Corporate sponsors are invited to contact Mcallister at (901) 289-1437 or trm4135@gmail.com.
The teams are part of Champion Force Athletics Cheerleading.