Bartlett city board progresses with alcohol ordinance changes

The Great Seal of Bartlett, TennesseeAt the Nov. 27 meeting, the Bartlett city board had the second reading of Ordinance 18-08, amending the city’s alcohol ordinances to bring them in line with state law.

This amendment includes the following:

  • Changes to the definition of beer
  • Increases in the percent of alcohol from 5 percent to 8 percent
  • Changes to hours for stores’ beer sales
  • Changes to hours for Sunday sales
  • Changes to the number of permits one permittee can obtain

City attorney Ed McKenney also noted that Sunday wine sales will begin Jan. 1, 2019. The public hearing for this ordinance is set for Dec. 11, 2018.

In other business, Fire Chief Terry Wiggins presented a $4,000 check to the West Tennessee Institute for Cancer Research on behalf of the city. The Fire Department sold approximately 500 cancer awareness T-shirts in the community to raise the funds.

Previous donations over the years have totaled approximately $37,000.

At the Nov. 27 meeting the board also approved the commercial subdivision contract for Germantown and Brother Office Park Subdivision. The developer, TH Properties LLC will pay $57,453.28 in city fees. The bond is set at $131,515.