Bartlett city board approves $1M in multiple projects

Bartlett-city-seal-300pxBartlett’s city board approved more than $1 million last week in building maintenance, road work, aerial photography, hazard mitigation grants and a development project. The board gathered on March 28 for their first meeting in the newly renovated Council Chambers at City Hall.

They approved:

  • The lowest alternate bid for the Buckhead Creek sewer project. The bid went to Enscor LLC for $261,233.80 plus a contingency amount of $30,000 for a total cost of $291,233.80. The project is a sewer line extension of about 1,200 feet near 4351 Germantown Road, north of Providence Baptist Church. The work will let the city take an old pump station out of service and save on electrical costs and maintenance costs. The project will also allow for future development east of Germantown Road.
  • The lowest bid for roof maintenance at the Bartlett Recreation Center (BRC). The bid went to J.D. Ventures LLC for $177,185 plus a contingency amount of $10,000 for a total cost of $187,185.
  • BRC construction management by RossWitt at a cost of $3,620.
  • Purchasing three right-of-way tracts for the widening of Old Brownsville Road. The total cost was $95,870.
  • Reimbursing Rivercrest Baptist Church for the relocation of part of the church’s sprinkler system and a light pole, both located on a recently purchased right-of-way parcel. The total cost for both projects is $15,328.
  • Payment of Bartlett’s portion of an updated aerial project covering all of Shelby County. Bartlett will pay $12,097.92. The project uses Pictometry, a patented process that captures imagery from above and from oblique angles, as well as data on elevations and Planometrics (a drawing system that gives a 3-D view). The data will be used in mapmaking.
  • The signing of a contract with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for hazard mitigation. The city will receive state and federal reimbursement totaling $421,500. The board also approved a resolution to amend the FY2017 Grants Fund Budget for the city to provide funding and appropriations for the FEMA/TEMA Hazard Mitigation Grants. The money will cover the acquisition and the demolishing of flood-damaged properties at 2810 Alfaree Street and 3673 Thistle Valley Lane. The city applied for the grants on behalf of the property owners. The split in costs for such arrangements is typically 75 percent federal funding, 12.5 percent state funding and 12.5 percent funding by the property owners.
  • The site plan contract for Resource label Group. The developer, Agracel Inc., will pay $14,789.81 in city fees. The bond is set at $114,649.47.
  • The appointment of two people to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Stan Burton replaces Bill Simpson, and Jeremy Stafford replaces Henry Miller. Their terms will expire Dec. 31, 2018.
  • A special event permit for the Oak Elementary 5K Run to be held 4-10 p.m. May 12 at the school.
  • A special event permit for the Stomp Out Hunger 5K Run to be held 2-4 p.m. April 15 at Bartlett United Methodist Church.

Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138, or