The music Friday night was about all things American for the Patriotic Pops Organ Concert at the Catholic Church of the Nativity in Bartlett.
The free event was at 7:30 p.m. with a reception afterward. Featured performers were Dr. Scott Elsholz and Tyrus R. Legge Jr. on organ and Melissa Warwell on flute and piccolo.
Attendees were invited to give during a freewill offering that benefitted the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Music trivia
- Test your knowledge of patriotic music trivia with a quick quiz online at - “The Stars and Stripes Forever” has never been performed in Carnegie Hall on July 4.
- “The Star-Spangled Banner” actually has three verses. See them all online at
content/s/ssbanner-lyr.php. - George M. Cohan, an untrained composer, wrote over 500 songs, including “Over There,” believed to be the most popular morale song for both world wars.
n AT TOP LEFT: Guests listened to the swelling chords of patriotic songs.
n AT BOTTOM LEFT: Dr. Elsholz’s fingers go flying across the organ’s keyboards.
n AT BOTTOM RIGHT: Dr. Elzholz works his way through a lively arrangement of “The Stars and Stripes Forever.”