Bartlett church plays music for patriotic souls

The music Friday night was about all things American for the Patriotic Pops Organ Concert at the Catholic Church of the Nativity in Bartlett.

The free event was at 7:30 p.m. with a reception afterward. Featured performers were Dr. Scott Elsholz and Tyrus R. Legge Jr. on organ and Melissa Warwell on flute and piccolo.

Attendees were invited to give during a freewill offering that benefitted the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Music trivia

  • Test your knowledge of patriotic music trivia with a quick quiz online at
  • “The Stars and Stripes Forever” has never been performed in Carnegie Hall on July 4.
  • “The Star-Spangled Banner” actually has three verses. See them all online at
  • George M. Cohan, an untrained composer, wrote over 500 songs, including “Over There,” believed to be the most popular morale song for both world wars.

n AT TOP LEFT: Guests listened to the swelling chords of patriotic songs.
n AT BOTTOM LEFT: Dr. Elsholz’s fingers go flying across the organ’s keyboards.
n AT BOTTOM RIGHT: Dr. Elzholz works his way through a lively arrangement of “The Stars and Stripes Forever.”