Bartlett Christian Writers plan Feb. 13 meeting

welcome-imageThe Bartlett Christian Writers group will host its February meeting 9-11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 13, at New Hope Christian Church in Bartlett.

Organizers say the session will include abundant interaction as Jeri McBride leads the group in setting goals and incorporating accountability into each member’s writing. The group will break out into groups for individual goal setting and getting accountability partners.

Members who have not yet written an anthology submission or those would like to submit a second one, are encouraged to bring a draft for critiquing. (Bring at least five copies for sharing.)

The purpose of this group is two-fold: First, to create a place where Christian writers can be encouraged to share their talents with others and network safely with one another to further hone their skills; and secondly, that every Christian writer, who wishes to refine their work, will do so by cultivating mentoring relationships with a kindred spirit.

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