Bartlett Beer Board fines 3 businesses

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At its Sept. 1 meeting, the Bartlett Beer Board assessed each of the following three businesses with a $1,000 penalty or 15-day suspension:

  • Firebirds (8470 U.S. 64). The May 8 offense was a first violation.
  • H.P. Foodmart (Shell station at 6390 U.S. 70). The May 8 offense was a first violation.
  • Saito Restaurant (6600 Stage Road, #101). The May 8 offense was a first violation.

During its April meeting, the Beer Board adopted the following guidelines to use when a permit holder sells beer to a minor. Standard vendors: First offense is a 15-day suspension or $1,000 civil penalty. Second offense is a 30-day suspension or $2,500 civil penalty. Third offense is revocation of permit for one year.

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