Sixth-grader Jason Vatter is doing his part to clean up a yard on Altruria Road in Bartlett as part of his church’s annual charity work around Valentine’s Day.
By Carolyn Bahm
Express Editor
Bartlett Baptist Church members show their love in a fresh way around Valentine’s Day each year by using elbow grease, tools and their spare time to help people with the “Love Your World” program. It’s not romantic, but it’s got heart.
The third annual “Love Your World” activities took shape this month with multiple teams working at these locations:
- LeBonheur Hospital – serving meals at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
- Saint Francis-Bartlett – providing care baskets to waiting rooms and nurses’ stations
- Bartlett 10k (rescheduled) – providing a team of volunteers to work the event
- Life Choices of Memphis (crisis pregnancy center) – Stocking their baby closet
- Compassion International – involving families from the church who are committed to sponsor more than 50 kids across the world through the program
- Bartlett City Clean Up – Helping two homeowners identified by the city as being unable to maintain their home and/or property. The teams clean up the yards and do any necessary repair work.
“The goal is for our church to partner with local ministries and organizations to meet different needs in our community and show God’s love in a practical way,” said Todd Oakley, student pastor.