The Bartlett city board awarded bids and approved payments for multiple equipment purchases and projects at the Nov. 10 meeting, including:
- A bid for one fork lift for Public Works. The lowest bidder, Briggs Equipment, was chosen with a bid of $ 21,681.00.
- A bid for three Dodge Charges for the Bartlett Police Department. The lowest bidder, Premier Automotive, was chosen with a bid of $25,505 each for a total cost of $76,505.
- A bid for asphalt paving of the Appling Road Soccer Field parking lot. The lowest bidder, Lehman Roberts Co., was chosen with a bid of $68,000, plus a contingency amount of $7,000 for a total cost of $75,000.
- A bid for Phase 2 of the Shadowlawn Road Sewer Extension Project. The lowest bidder, Enscor LLC, was chosen with a bid of $421,182.20 plus a contingency amount of $40,000 for a total cost of $461,182.20.
- Elmore Park’s drainage basins. The board approved Allen & Hoshall’s proposed survey and engineering design at a cost of $42,000.
In other business, the board:
- Had the second reading of an ordinance to amend the city’s air pollution control code to update permit and emissions fees. The public hearing and the third and final reading of the ordinances will be on Nov. 22.
- Had the second reading of ordinances to designate two structures in Bartlett as historic landmarks: The Brunswick Rosenwald School at 4549 Brunswick Road and Cedar Hall at 3712 Broadway Road. The public hearings and the third and final readings of the ordinances will be on Nov. 22.
- Heard the Reserve Firefighters’ discussion about their donation to the Dream Factory and witnessed the Bartlett Fire Department’s $4,000 check presentation to the Wings Cancer Foundation from the department’s “Pink Heals” T-shirt sales.
- Awarded a temporary employment services contract to Conexx Staffing Services at the request of Dick Phebus, Bartlett’s director of finance.
- Authorized paying consulting firm Retail Strategies the agreed-upon $24,000 for the third year of its contract as agreed upon in October 2014.
- Agreed to dispense with the second city board meeting in December.
- Appointed Doug Bailey as a Bartlett Police Inspector and swore him in.