Bartlett autism center receives nearly $30K donation

The Mystic Krewe of Pegasus presented a check for nearly $30,000 to Transformations Autism Treatment Center in Bartlett on April 8. Photo by John Collins.
The Mystic Krewe of Pegasus presented a check for nearly $30,000 to Transformations Autism Treatment Center in Bartlett on April 8. Photo by John Collins.

Saturday’s donation of $29,263.49 to Transformations Autism Treatment Center in Bartlett was a welcome gift. It is the center’s largest one-time cash donation and will have a great impact on the center, according to John Holtzman, Transformations director of development.

April is Autism Awareness Month and this donation comes at a time when it’s needed to help Transformations continue its mission, he said.

“It will allow us to provide more services to families and children affected by autism,” Holtzman said. “Tennessee is one of five states without legislation for insurance to pay for ABA services, which is the therapy that has been proven to be most effective for individuals with autism.”

He continued, “We were delighted last year when King Pegasus XIII Lee Goins and Queen Pegasus XIII Becky Rachels selected Transformations Autism Treatment Center as their charity of choice for 2016/2017. I have worked with them on their various fundraising events that culminated with the Mardi Gras Ball at Minglewood Hall on Jan. 28, 2017. The Krewe continued to raise funds for the center through the end of their fiscal year, which was March 31, 2017. It has been great working with them and seeing their commitment to help worthy organizations in our community.”

He praised them for their efforts. “It is amazing to associate with a group of people who are willing to give of themselves, their time, efforts, and money help other people.”

The Krewe began in 2003, and their mission is to raise money for other nonprofit organizations to help them to fulfill their mission. Each year the King and Queen of Pegasus select a charity for which the Krewe works for a year raising money to help. The charities they have helped have included the Matthew Shepard Foundation, Memphis Child Advocacy Center, Hope House of Memphis, Mid-South Spay and Neuter Services, Friends for Life Corporation, Memphis Crisis Center and Transformations Autism Treatment Center. See more information on their website at, or search for “Mystic Krewe of Pegasus Memphis” on Facebook.

Written by Carolyn Bahm, Express editor. Contact her at (901) 433-9138, or