Bartlett approves equipment bids, accepts grant

seal of bartlettAt its Oct. 14 meeting, the Bartlett city board accepted multiple equipment bids, approved amendments to a water and sewer ordinance, accepted a traffic grant, and conducted other routine business.

The board conducted this business:

  • Accepted a 2015 multiple violations traffic grant of $66,219.20 from the Tennessee Highway Safety Office.
  • Received notification from the mayor of a $28,684.26 emergency expenditure for flooding cleanup at Bartlett Municipal Station.
  • Distributed a $1,225 check to the Bartlett Education Foundation for hot air balloon rides conducted at the Bartlett Festival & Car Show and a $665 check from the festival’s dunk tank. All funds will be used for the foundation’s grant program for teachers.
  • Held the final reading and voted to approve Ordinance 14-08, making routine amendments to water and sewer ordinance 98-15. See the agenda packet for the Oct. 14 meeting on the city’s website to read the details of the ordinance.
  • Set a public hearing for Nov. 25 for a special-use permit to expand the Ave Maria nursing home/assisted living facility.
  • Had the first reading of Ordinance 14-09 to rezone a property on the east side of Charles Bryan Road from O-C to RS-18. The hearing will be Nov. 25.
  • Approved the promotion of eight-year Bartlett Fire Department veteran Matt Henry to the rank of paramedic lieutenant.
  • Resolved to donate surplus property to Bartlett City Schools.
  • Canceled the first board meeting in November and the second one in December.

In the consent agenda, the board also took the following actions:

  • Accepted the Oct. 2014 Planning Commission report.
  • Approved various race and festival permits.
  • Accepted the lowest bid for replacing the filter at the Germantown Road Water Plant for $98,444.12 plus a contingency amount of $10,000 to Ronald Franks Construction.
  • Accepted the lower bid on the well at the Ardie Road water plant for $513,000 plus a contingency amount of $80,000. The bid went to Layne Christensen Company.
  • Accepted the lowest qualified bid for the aerator calibration and incidental work to start operating a new well. The bid of $267,783.28 went to Ronald Franks Construction, with an additional contingency amount of $40,200.
  • Approved resurfacing and re-striping of the Bartlett Justice Center’s parking lot for $72,000. The work will be performed by Lehman-Roberts (paving) and Trafmark (striping).
  • Accepted the sole bid from Auto Nation Ford Memphis for $69,900 to purchase three 2015 Ford Tauruses for the police department.
  • Accepted the lower bid from Scruggs Equipment Co. for $81,344 to purchase a 2015 Model 33,000 GVWR truck with a nine-yard flatbed for Parks and Recreation.
  • Accepted the sole bid from AutoNation Ford Memphis for $21,768 to purchase a 7050 GVWR Model super-cab pickup with a 6.5-foot bed for Parks and Recreation.
  • Accepted the lower bids to purchase these vehicles for Public Works:
  • A 2015 Model XLT F150 super cab pickup with a 6.5-foot bed from Golden Circle Ford for $24,939
  • A 2015 Model 6750 GVWR regular cab, two-wheel drive pickup with an eight-foot bed for $19,877 from Golden Circle Ford
  • A 2015 Model Compact Track Loader with vertical lift arms for $55,295 from Williams Equipment.
  • A 2015 Model F350 XL super duty super cab truck with a nine-foot utility crane bed for $43,027 from Auto Nation
  • Two 2015 Model 33,000 XL GVWR trucks with nine-yard dump beds for $81,019 each from Scruggs Equipment.
  • Two Ford four-door Explorer XLT vehicles for $28,142 each from Golden Circle Ford.

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