Bartlett Alderman candidates

Bartlett Alderman, Position 4 (unopposed)

Bartlett Alderman, Position 5 (unopposed)

Jack Young, 63, Retired Facility Director, Medtronic, Graduate Bartlett High School, Bachelor Business Administration, Memphis State University.

Family: Wife, Susan 42 years, Daughter Missy – Kevin Wilkes, grandchildren, Maddie 5, Turner 3, another grandchild due in March,’13.  Daughter Megan – David Williams, granddaughter, Aubry 4 months.

Organizations:  I play golf and spend a lot of time with children and grandchildren.  I serve as a Deacon at Ellendale Baptist Church and also am active on several committees.

Most pressing issues:  Schools, declining home values in light of upcoming re-appraisal, and adequate reserves to maintain other post employment benefits for retirees.

“I have spent over 30 years in positions of increasing responsibility in the business world.  When you add to that 14 years of experience in my current Alderman position, service on many of the city’s commissions and boards, combined with several years as Vice-Mayor, I believe I am well prepared to deal with the issues our city faces. “




Bartlett Alderman, Position 6

Paula Sedgwick, 68, Republican State Executive Committeewoman, 2 years at Shelby State College.

Family: Married to David Sedgwick – 50 years, daughter – Carrie Sedgwick, son – David Jr. (wife- Kristi), grandsons, Dylan & Carson, son – Mark  (wife- Tiffany), granddaughters, Morgan & Hannah.


Elected Bartlett, Tipton, Lauderdale, Dyer Counties- Tennessee Republican State Executive Committeewoman for District 32, for a 4 year term

Serve on the Better Bartlett Schools Committee

Serve on the Board of Bartlett Exchange Club

Active Member of Bartlett Chamber of Commerce – Ambassador

Alumni of Leadership Bartlett

Appointed by Governor Bill Haslam to the Board of TennTom Waterway Development Authority, I serve on the Finance and Planning and Development Committees.

Bartlett Northeast Shelby Republican Club member

Most pressing issues: Bartlett Municipal Schools – I believe that during all the political jockeying over the last few months, the most important thing in this struggle has been left out. THE CHILDREN. We need Bartlett schools. Jobs-as a Conservative, I believe in smaller government.     I believe that we need to make it more attractive for businesses to come to Bartlett.  I believe government needs to get out of the way, and let small businesses operate.   I will be an advocate for those businesses. Economy-I feel that voters in Bartlett are concerned about many of the same issues in most communities such as crime, education and jobs.  We need to stress BUY BARTLETT to boost our businesses.

“History of Leadership, Business Management, State Executive Committee Woman – four year team  – I am on the Issues Committee which determines stance on Nationwide issues effecting Republican Party. My husband and I owned our on business for over 20 years with over 100 employees, when we sold our business

Created and Managed the Legal Placement Service for the Memphis Bar Association which puts Legal personnel into the workplace (attorneys, paralegals, etc)

Appointed to the Board of Tennessee, TennTom Waterways Development Authority on the Finance and Planning and Development Committees. I am very involved in Bartlett and my family, children and grandchildren are growing up in this beautiful place.   I have many years of Leadership both in Bartlett and across Tennessee.  I have the experience and the background to fill the position of Bartlett Alderman.”


Jason Sykes, 33, Lifeblood: 2003-Present – Currently serve as Senior Account Executive. I work with businesses, churches, schools, and non-profit organizations in the Northeast Shelby County area, Graduate of Bartlett High School, graduate of State Technical Institute of Memphis with A.S. in Desktop Publishing.

Family: Married to Becky Sykes, one child, Jacob Sykes (4), attends pre-school at Bartlett United Methodist Church and expecting our second child in February 2013.


  • Bartlett City Beautiful Commission: 2007-Present – Work with businesses and residential properties to beautify their properties.
  • Bartlett Station Commission:  2012-Present – Work to attract, market, and retain businesses in our downtown district.
  • Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Board Chairman: 2010-2013 – Oversee the operations for Leadership Bartlett, Youth Leadership Bartlett, Leadership Bartlett Alumni Association, and economic development initiatives.
  • Leadership Bartlett Alumni Association, Public Relations Director: 2009-Present
  • Leadership Bartlett, Past-Chairman Class of 2009-2011, Current Committee Member for Class of 2011-2013
  • Bartlett Area Lifeblood Donor Council: 2003-Present – work to raise awareness and blood donations in the Northeast Shelby County area.
  • Elmore Park Middle School – School Improvement Plan (SIP): 2011-Present
  • Leadership Bartlett graduate, Class of 2007
  • Bartlett Police Citizen’s Academy graduate. Also a Memphis Police & Shelby County Sheriff’s Citizen Academy graduate
  • American Radio Relay League (Ham Radio)- Licensed Emergency Communication
  • Active in local church as teacher and support director
  • Voted “2012 Man of the Year” by Bartlett Express Reader’s Choice poll

Most pressing issues: As I talk to citizens of Bartlett, three main issues surface to the forefront of the discussion: securing a separate Bartlett school system, the economy, and having a safe and low crime community.

“I was born and raised in Bartlett and am a life-long resident of the city. I am invested in the community that my family calls home and has a passion and desire to have our city continue moving in a positive direction. I have given myself to volunteering in Bartlett and have served in a variety of leadership roles for the past ten years (see above list) as well as my professional career. I am active in the local issues facing this city, participating in some of the major discussions surrounding these concerns. My heartbeat is for Bartlett.

I feel the voters of Bartlett can have confidence in voting for the candidate who has been an active part of addressing the issues facing our community. I have dedicated the last ten years on doing my part to help make Bartlett a great city. I focus my time and resources helping to solve the local issues.”