Back in Bartlett for Feb. 6, 2014

Back in Bartlett
Twenty years ago, Kate Bond Elementary School students were getting to work in the school’s state-of-the-art computer lab several times a month.

35 years ago (Feb. 8, 1979)
Cartoon feature begun

“T.J. Crowe,” created by Bartlett resident Tom Cavin, today joins the cast of characters featured in The Bartlett Express. The idea for the philosopher bird came to Cavin when his son, Thomas John, was born in 1970. Although the cartoon was copyrighted in 1971, it has never before been published. “T.J. Crowe has both a serious and a light side, but basically I like his lighter side best,” the 33-year-old amateur artist explained. “My characters (he has seven so far) repeat mostly my own ideas and philosophy, but of course, things change and the world changes. As you get older your ideas change a lot.”

20 years ago (Feb. 2, 1994)
Kate Bond principal proud of new ‘home’

Page Watson is not one who longs for the “good ol’ days.” As principal of Kate Bond Elementary School at 2727 Kate Bond Road, she is quite content with the present. Until Aug. 16, her students attended what was then Elmore Park Elementary School at 6330 Althorne Road, which is now a middle school. According to the principal, the new school offers more than the old school, through facilities such as the computer lab, science lab and larger library. Classes rotate daily through the computer and science labs so that most students work in them several times a month.

10 years ago (Feb. 5, 2004)
Bartlett bank robbed

At 12:45 p.m. on Jan. 28, the Bank of America at 6186 Stage Road was robbed when a man in a ski mask, armed with a gun, demanded money from a teller. The man was described as a male in his early 20s, who is 5’4” to 5’6” tall, and weighing 140-160 pounds. He fled the scene in a champagne-colored ’90 to ’93 Honda, traveling north on Elmore Park Road.

“We stopped a vehicle fitting that description and the subject was investigated but it’s not the subject that was involved in the robbery, after looking at the video,” said inspector Bobby Carver of the Bartlett Police Department. No one in the bank was injured, and the suspect escaped with an undetermined amount of money.

1 year ago (Feb. 7, 2013)
Bartlett crime is down year over year

Bartlett Police reported that the total number of reports written in 2012 went down from the year previous, although violent crimes more than doubled and reports of counterfeiting or forgery quadrupled since 2011.

Categorized by crime type, the statistics were a compilation of reports written by police, not crimes reported. The total number of reports recorded by the department was more than 300 fewer than the year previous (from 2,671 to 2,984), but the nature of incidents changed. Domestic violence reports grew from eight in 2011 to 19 in 2012, although domestic calls overall reduced from 294 to 109.