35 years ago (Feb. 22, 1979)
Studio called asset to city
Preliminary and final approvals were given Tuesday to architectural plans for a photography studio to be constructed at 647 Summer Ave. Design and Review Board chairman John Werner said he believed the nearly 20,000 square foot building would be “an asset to Bartlett, and I appreciate the thoroughness of your landscape and architectural plan.” Charles Prout, representing Handi-Photo, received approval of his building plan for a photo development stand to be built at Bartlett Villa on Stage Road. Decatur Trinity Christian received design approval of its proposed recreational addition to be structured at 2449 Altruria Road.
20 years ago (Feb. 17, 1994)
Ice storm cleanup will be costly to city

Repair work on city and private property damaged by last week’s ice storm could cost the City of Bartlett in the six-figure range, according to an estimate made by Bartlett Mayor Bobby Flaherty. “The cost to the city, just for the pickup and cleanup efforts, will run into the thousands of dollars,” Flaherty said. “I myself think it will exceed $100,000, once the cost of overtime, equipment rental and hiring extra people is calculated.”
Trees were weighted down by hundreds of pounds of ice, which collected overnight Feb. 10-11, and they began cracking and losing limbs all over the city, according to Flaherty. Much of the cost to the city will be for getting rid of the debris.
10 years ago (Feb. 19, 2004)
National artist’s work featured
Sister Paula Turnbull recently left Bartlett after completing the original brick carvings of the Stations of the Cross, depicting scenes from the crucifixion of Christ, at St. Ann Catholic Church. The scenes, which will be in addition to a bronze, life-sized sculpture of the family of Jesus, are part of a $6 million construction program at the church.
“There are 14 stations and so she did about one per day,” Robert Marczynski, director of administration and stewardship at St. Ann, said. “She was using the raw brick, which is like clay, and then they are taking them back to the brick company, which is in Mississippi, and they’ll fire them into the hard brick.”
1 year ago (Feb. 21, 2013)
Robinwood officially opens its doors
Management and staff of Robinwood Resort Lifestyle Community, located at 2795 Kirby Whitten Parkway in Bartlett, officially cut the ribbon Saturday on the 141-unit facility. Mayors Keith McDonald and Mark Luttrell were in attendance among more than 100 others to tour the all-inclusive adult community, which includes a postal center, fitness facility, dining, home health and transportation among the amenities.
“This is a pure rental model,” CEO Breck Collingwsorth said. Robinwood is the ninth planned community by RLC with the tenth planned to open in Knoxville in July. Other locations include Lincoln and Omaha, Neb., Kansas City, Mo., Wichita, Kan., Augusta, Ga., Raleigh, N.C., and Naples, Fla.