BCCB to play at 3 Sept. events
The Bartlett Community Concert Band has three upcoming performances this month.
The Harbortown Concert will begin at 5:3 p.m. Sept 19.
The band will also be recording at the Buckman Center at 7 p.m. Sept. 21.
The City of Bartlett’s festival will welcome the band again this year for a 10 a.m. performance on Sept. 26. For details, go to bartlettcommunityband.org/performances.html.
Concert series opens Sept. 16
The Marguerite Francis “Music at Noon” concert series will launch its seventh season Sept. 16 at Bartlett United Methodist Church (5676 Stage Road). The event will be 12:10-12:40 p.m. each Wednesday in the church’s sanctuary, with a light lunch available for purchase after the performance. The Sept. 16 performance will feature Lauren Moscato, Indie Music Channel award winner. See more details at bartlettumc.org.
Tenn. colleges make the list of best in the U.S.
A recent WalletHub.com study placed six Tennessee colleges in the top half of a “best and worst” list of U.S. community colleges. See details at bit.ly/2015CommColleges.